What's with all the borderline pedophilia?

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Post by KingSchwill » Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:53 am

paging Mr. Oni

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paging Mr. Oni
Kingschwill wrote:I shit from on great height at the suggestion that anything can kill me.

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Post by devilmaykickass » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:29 pm

Heh, I remember when I was young and naive and I first saw Sailor Moon Super S...the Helios and ChibiUsa relationship weirded me out, as did the fact that Usagi was in sixth grade and Mamoru was college bound. I'm actually suprised they didn't try to change the ages in the dub (considering that they changed nearly everything else).

Cultural differences and nothing more as far as I'm concerned. I don't really think it's pedophilia after a certain age that most people (in America atleast) would consider pedophilia anyway, but I won't say which age that is so people don't get any misconceptions.

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Post by IchigoFever » Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:20 pm

devilmaykickass wrote:Heh, I remember when I was young and naive and I first saw Sailor Moon Super S...the Helios and ChibiUsa relationship weirded me out, as did the fact that Usagi was in sixth grade and Mamoru was college bound. I'm actually suprised they didn't try to change the ages in the dub (considering that they changed nearly everything else).

Cultural differences and nothing more as far as I'm concerned. I don't really think it's pedophilia after a certain age that most people (in America atleast) would consider pedophilia anyway, but I won't say which age that is so people don't get any misconceptions.
Would that be 15? I hear that's usually a disputed age.

Well anyways, I sort of agree with you about the cultural differences. I've never been and don't know much about life in Japan, but I guess this light pedo thing is just a result of what is accepted or not.

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Bloodfest Butterfly
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Post by Bloodfest Butterfly » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:28 pm

I'm with O-Kagachi on this one. Best to have a safe outlet for such tendancies. Sort of like watching a gory movie: It prevents reality from becoming such. Besides, it could be a lot worse.
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Jason K.
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Time for a Gnar history lesson

Post by Jason K. » Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:56 pm

IF you would all do a small amount of reserch you woul find that no, not all, or even a % of Otaku are F'd-up. You may find that Shota & Lolli, even in a seris like Evangelion, Big O, even to some extent Samurai Champloo or Cowboy Bebop, feture unerage Protagonists in the story because it all tracs back to weirdd obsenity & censorship laws the Japanese have had in place since about the Mid 1950's (The Joseph McCarthy Era. of black listing and Hyper Puritanism we're currently reliving in these United States of Chistianity & Ignorance..."Have you no deceny man?" Not to get all Che Guvera on you guys...heh...sorry. :oops: ).

Strange laws that alow you to show Porn on National T.V. but only if you show no Pubic hair, things like that, and so on, so forth and these such things. A lot of the Shota, Lolli, and Barely Legal stuff we see all comes back to the point that while the japanese are a very Sexualy liberated people (reserch the EDO period for more on that), the tend to be very quite about most stuff and end up become very weird in the end. Expalining all anime, hentai, and all semi-peophellia we see in thier culture. I thank you for not reading this blathering bullshit explanation.



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