Malificus wrote:But a lot of kids don't like reading, they're watching TV so they don't have to read.
O rly? Give a kid a pack of Marvel comics or for that fact, a manga. I've never seen kids stay still for so long and I have a TON of cousins.
Subs would undoubtedly lower the viewer count as opposed to raise it, so why would anyone do that?
Business = $money
Let's consider prices:
Both have the same licenses.
Both need translators.
Dubs needs a group of people for voice acting.
Subs needs 1 person to type out the script (and possibly 1 person to check to subs).
Dubs need a music/sound studio.
Subs needs a computer and possibly pen and paper.
Where does it cost more?
Okay, now let's look at the kids. First off, "kids" anime is appealing to kids (colors, facial designs, and stories)(duh!). Kids will watch anime simply for the action and interactions if need be. However, if you also provide them words to read, they'd stay glued to the TV just as much as with a manga, if not more. If you watch with them, you could also answer their questions about words and meanings. Even if you aren't, they will puzzle out the meaning by syntax and expression. Trust me, I deal with kids everyday and no matter how stupid they can act sometimes, they happen to be smart when they are motivated.
If people don't like the english voice, watch it subbed.
First things first, not all people know how to download anime over the internet/web. A bad dub could destroy a great story.
For example, an acquintance of mine told me that the NGE movies were horrible. She was constantly being distracted by the voicing and disconnect between the emotions on screen and those in the voice.
I had no clue what she was talking about at first. I thought those two movies were right on with the normal standards of the series. She had a bad experience with the movies, I didn't.
There are very few instances nowadays where you have to choose.
I'd like to teach every kid in the U.S. and else where how to download anime of the web, but I'm afriad my bandwith would suffer.
Simply don't watch the dub.
"Don't watch anime." Above.
Problem solved. Read manga, nobody ever complains about annoying manga voices.
I would but you'd think I'm crazy. sssssh, did you hear that? SHUT UP! SHUT UP! STOP TALKING INSIDE OF MY HEAD! GIT OUT! GIT!