Is mass-production of frames in paint shop pro possible?

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Is mass-production of frames in paint shop pro possible?

Post by Kanraku » Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:24 am

I've always wondered if there is a way to render the same effects on multiple pictures of the same size and filetype. For example, say you want to add some crazy digital filters to a section of video, but the filters are only in paint shop pro. So you use virtualdub to cut out 100 frames, and you apply the filter to each frame in paint shop pro and recompile the frames in your video editing program. Is there a way to do this process automatically for all 100 frames, or is the only way to manually add the effects to each frame seperately?

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Artsy Bastid
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Post by Jnzk » Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:58 am

You need to use a script.

1) Open one of your source images in PSP.
2) Select File - Script - Start Recording.
3) Apply the filters.
4) Select File - Script - Save Recording (save to for example to .../Paint Shop Pro/Scripts-Restricted).
5) Close the image without saving.
6) Select File - Batch Process.
7) Click the first Browse button to select your source images.
8) Check the Use Script checkbox and then in the Script dropdown box select Category: Scripts-Restricted. Select the script you saved earlier.
9) Set the Save options and let PSP do its thing. 8-)

This is for Paint Shop Pro 10.


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