Should ther be another CG Final Fantasy movie?... what one?

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Post by Heffaye » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:01 am

I think your right. Square has basically given up on new ffs and just keep doing 7 stuff. I think they all look great, don't get me wrong there, I just wanna see some new storylines with new characters... that don't suck.

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Post by MovieMarc » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:06 am

Its not that there giving up, there just off the track.

it started with 8's broken story and gameplay.

continued with 9's somewhat fixed story, unmemorable characters *aside from Vivi* and tedious battling for Ap to gain abilities.

then there was 10. all i have to say is did anyone else realize that tidus's sword was was made of water.

then there is 11 which is a joke in itself.

x-2 was a dress up game and not an rpg

and then 12 is an mmorpg that you play by yourself, in the dark, where no one can see you playing it. you cant even control most of what your party does.

what square needs to do is finish the remake of 6 for ps3, make a remake of 7 for the ps3 and then start over with the next original ff game being the new ff8

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Post by Psygnius » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:07 am

I think Square-Enix needs to make a movie where Squall and Cloud have to FIGHT EACH OTHER. See how well the Gunblade handles against the Buster. Or just another FF7 game where you play through the story as Sephiroth's POV. Just so you can mass murder everyone in the game. :twisted:

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Post by Heffaye » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:09 am

I agree with all, but can't you leave 8 alone know, you already smashed it's image in my mind.

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Post by Heffaye » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:10 am

playin a seph would be cool, but they won't make that game... unfortunatley =(

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Post by MovieMarc » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:11 am

it must not have been a strong image to begin with then. I personally love 8 despite all its flaws, which there are a lot of.

its one of the 3 ff's i can pick up at any time and play. right next to 3/6 and 7

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Post by Odi » Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:57 am

MovieMarc wrote:Its not that there giving up, there just off the track.

it started with 8's broken story and gameplay.
Agree that you didnt like it, but I shurely LOVED it! The characters are Cool. The battles where exiting and fun. The World was big and full of things to explore and The story was touching and strong. The only big minus is the "gunblade thing"... Gunblade wtf is a gunblade? Eather you have a gun or a blade or a gun with a bayonet. Not a frigging "Gunblade"
The only reason I think people hate FFVIII is because after FFVII people where like: "ZoomG! Thith Gaem ROckzorZ! Cant wait till The Naew Final Faentazy will come out. The graphicz will Roxz! Cloud is Great! Hope he will have an apperance in the FF8! FFVII FTW AND BEATS CS!"

Then FFVIII came out and took a step in a different direction then FF7, and All Hell broke loose! People where expecting another FF7 and got a Great game instead! (those sentences are whats going to make me hated :) ).
MovieMarc wrote: continued with 9's somewhat fixed story, unmemorable characters *aside from Vivi* and tedious battling for Ap to gain abilities.
Never played it :? Prolly will soon. What I know is that "Vivi's theme" Rocks!
MovieMarc wrote: then there was 10. all i have to say is did anyone else realize that tidus's sword was was made of water.
Just the Brootherhood... Was that the name? The one he got from Wakka I think. And so what? I think that is cool as hell! Dunno if that was ment as something negaive or positive but FFX was one of the tings that got me into anime so it will always have a honored place in my "book of nice stuff"
MovieMarc wrote: then there is 11 which is a joke in itself.
Remove "Final Fantasy" infront of the title and I think you would have thought it was ok! For a title to ruin its game is stupid and happens all to often.
Btw... do as me and just dont recognize it as a real FF. put it in the same catogary as... FFCC?
MovieMarc wrote: x-2 was a dress up game and not an rpg
WORD!! But then again. I dont recognice that as an FF game eather.
MovieMarc wrote: and then 12 is an mmorpg that you play by yourself, in the dark, where no one can see you playing it.
Ok... What exactly is that sposed to mean? Can people see you when you play FFVII? Can they see you when you play KH?
Personaly I think its kind of Cozy to play a really good game in the dark under a big warm blanket :)
In mmorpg's people can atleast see your game character... Unless you are a Rogue in WoW ofc. :twisted:
MovieMarc wrote: you cant even control most of what your party does.
You may have played the japanese verson (which I havent) but what I have been Puzzeling togeather from the trailers is that you can controll everything your party does. Seems likey you just pop up a menue when its their turn and select their actions. Then "aouto attak" is enabled if you dont wanna do anything. (how bout the bosses that counterattaks PAINFULLY every time you attak :?
But I may be Totaly off the track. This is just what it looks like on the trailers.
MovieMarc wrote: what square needs to do is finish the remake of 6 for ps3, make a remake of 7 for the ps3 and then start over with the next original ff game being the new ff8
Dont be so pesemistic. It is a posibility but just because everything cant be another "FFVII" dont mean it suck.
And ehmm. I thought they said on E3 last year after the big ruccus about the FFVII PS3 trailer that they had no plans to make a FF7 Remake for ps3 (Would'nt suprise me at all if they would make it though. Hire some new Graphic artist. Some new... what do you call em? People that writes codes for games... a anyway, a few more of them. Squeze in some new game content and then just lean back and let the Millions flow in! And as they say in T2: Easy Monney.). And acordingly to the may edition of the american Game magazene EGM a FFXIII is under production and allmost done. It allso says that it will be shown this E3. Exiting :D.

And to the ppl that got their thoughts of FF8 ripped to shreds form Movie Marc: *sigh* Did you enjoy FF8 when you played it? Will those expreirences become bad just because Marc says so? Does a human being has that kind of power? Ehhh... no. Please dont let yourselvs get influenced so easerly. Make your own opinion and stick to that. Its not precisly against the law. Its a privilege... Use it!

And as a closing coment. The FF series has gone so far now that people who make em ONLY use the "FF" name as a marketing strategy. Do you think FFX would have gotten all its atention if it didnt have the FF logo and instead the name: "Super Aepic Story" (maby it would :? since that is a kinda weird name... Like "Wii :)". Would FFVIII have gotten such a negative feedback if it Didnt have the FF logo? Personaly I dont think so.

*** this is partly allso a reply to MovieMarc's thread earlier about having to ripp everything from FF8***

*last minute edit* Arrgh! Noticed now:
MovieMarc wrote:I personally love 8 despite all its flaws, which there are a lot of.
Didnt see this earlier and due to it some suff in my post is kinda wrong targeted, thos things in this post you belive are wrong due to a missunderstanding, just laugh at my stupidity and ímmagine I wrote something Cool instead. (this way I wont look like a compleate fool :) )
(got to stop make long posts)
I'm not so smart. I just stay with the problem a little longer ---- Einstein

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Post by kuraiou » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:16 pm

Okay. I've never posted before. I'll never post again. But I absolutely have to post now, for the posterity of the humans with average and above intelligence.

Final fantasy 1:
Not enough plot. It's like trying to make Dungeon Siege into a movie.... <_<

FF2&3: I'm afraid my knowledge is limited to not knowing anything, so no comment.

FF4: FF4 would make a good movie. HOWEVER. The second half would be condensed to the point of being painful. The base concepts(redemption, layers of deceit, etc.) work: all the core stuff between Cecil, Rosa, and Kain are great storytelling and there's a strong visual flair. The stuff about KluYa and the Moon would probably have to be cut out -- it would take too long. Unfortunately, the whole deal with the moon is a big thing. The movie would have to end pretty much at the Tower of Bab-il. It would end up being a nightmare.

FF5: Miniseries.

FF6: As much as I love 6 (and I love it to death), there's simply too much material to cover in a 2, 3, or even 4 hour movie. It would, however, make a great 13-to-26 1-hour long episode series, if it followed the same basic pacing and set-up as Lost. I.E., first episode introduces the main characters and what they're doing. Then each episode slowly advances the story, while spending time on their backstory. There would have to be significant rearranging(particularly dealing with Setzer and Daryl, and Locke and Rachel), but I think it would work.

FF7: It could have been translated directly to a movie and worked. There's a lot of plotwise extraneous scenes that help with character development, but only four characters really NEED to be developed: Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, and Sephiroth. Even in the game, all the character-building stuff(like the destruction of Barret's hometown, Cid's failed attempts at flight, etc.) is still overwhelmed by the core story, which, again, would make a really interesting movie.

FF8: No. No. No. The first half is too slow; the second half pulls too many plot twists. I would argue with Marc: a lot of characters ARE necessary, and even interesting. Quistis' attitude towards Squall is a key motivation to get him moving, continuing the story on. Etc. etc. But Rinoa is a lackluster character; Seifer is a whiny bitch; Squall doesn't speak much at all; Edea, while creepy at first, loses all her luster after the time-dilation GF-mind-killing crap. She made a cool villain. Ultemicia comes totally out of left field, the time stuff AGAIN makes it difficult to follow... the GFs are huge and play an important part, and I think visually would be cool, but they're still poorly explained.

The only way they could fit the core story (which in and of itself is trite and boring somehow, probably because of Rinoa and Squall both being detestable) into a movie timeframe is to take out everything that barely redeemed the game: Irvine's failure to take out Edea, the scenes with Laguna and that one girl whose name escapes me, THE ENTIRE FIRST HALF OF THE GAME involving the invasion of the town... and the second half is simply too random and retcon-tastic to work.

FF9: I can't bring myself to beat it; I know it's good, I just, I can't. I don't know why.

FF10: The whole thing already is a 10 hour movie. There's enough there to cut that they could do it no problem.

FF11: Also, no.

FF12: Marc. Play it first. The mechanics in the demo WERE changed for the final release (mostly because people complained about the demo). The demo also didn't go into the story. It may suck. It has a high probability of sucking. But you can not say that it DOES suck.


anywho, trying to make this more clear... even if you liked 7 or 8 or whatever, you have to consider the mechanics and limitations of movies. You have at most 3, 3 and a half hours. You can only reasonably juggle 4-6 characters, with side characters taking up what space is left. Even with unlimited money, you have to speed up the pacing to get to the key points. Of all the possible FF games, 8 is the absolutely worst designed game to convert to a movie. There are lots of subtle things in the first half that would be left on the cutting room floor, what WOULD remain of the first half would get entirely retconned by the second half (and not in a good way!), half the things that would stay from the second half would make no sense, the other half would come out of left field, and throughout the whole thing, the best points of all the characters would have to get cut. I see no physical way for this to be made into anything other than a typical 26-episode 30-minute long episode series, and even that is likely to fail.
Zach Lome
6th Kyu, Bloomington-Normal Bujinkan Dojo

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Post by kuraiou » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:23 pm

Grr. IT's not letting me edit my post to add this stuff in. I apologize for the double post.
Agree that you didnt like it, but I shurely LOVED it! The characters are Cool. The battles where exiting and fun. The World was big and full of things to explore and The story was touching and strong. The only big minus is the "gunblade thing"... Gunblade wtf is a gunblade? Eather you have a gun or a blade or a gun with a bayonet. Not a frigging "Gunblade"
In a movie, you see at MOST 4 battles, and they have to all be key. Minor skirmishes might occur, but I know that's not what you're thinking. The bigger the world, the more the movie is going to miss because in a movie like that, social and geological exploration is tertiary (which is one reason why Spirits failed -- it tried to emphasize that too much). The side stories were mildly interesting -- I liked Laguna in particular -- but the core story is "Squall kind of likes this girl, and she really likes him, even though they have no real chemistry or backstory. Also, Seifer hates Squall." That's really pretty much it. All the best stuff(Irvine's scene at the parade really is my favorite scene) would be cut.

As for the gunblade thing... funny story: they exist. They existed before the game. Projectile knives are a common weapon for assassins. Also, the most typical fencing grip is a pistol grip. Of all the things I'd fault the game with, the gunblade is among the least. They were trying for something visually interesting, and although a weapon like that would be much better piercing than slashing, it isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility.

All the shit with space travel, time dilation, and memory-erasal is just a huge nightmare of a plot that no script writer would touch in a million years.

and to comment really quickly on the rest of the post: FF10's plot at least tried to deal with serious issues(father-son bond, responsibility, death); FF11 has the FF elements there, it's just that it's hidden behind tedious levelling and atrocious monetary inflation(trust me, the Chains of Promathia story is actually REALLY cool); X-2 is fun as hell with the worst music and story ever, and the people that were looking forward to 8 solely because of 7 means they didn't play 4 or 6, and for that I feel sorry.

I was going to say a few choice words about your spelling and grammar, but that'd be too unfair.
Zach Lome
6th Kyu, Bloomington-Normal Bujinkan Dojo

ph34r the bespectacled ones.

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Post by devilmaykickass » Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:56 pm

I think XII is going to be the greatest FF since VII. I freaking love the new battle system. I don't know what the hell you're talking about.


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