kuraiou wrote:Grr. IT's not letting me edit my post to add this stuff in. I apologize for the double post.
I know... I guess they have their reasons not to let us edit but I think its plain sucky. But hey, no biggie ^^
kuraiou wrote:Odi wrote:"Odi Hates Gunblades"
[As for the gunblade thing... funny story: they exist. They existed before the game. Projectile knives are a common weapon for assassins. Also, the most typical fencing grip is a pistol grip. Of all the things I'd fault the game with, the gunblade is among the least. They were trying for something visually interesting, and although a weapon like that would be much better piercing than slashing, it isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility.
Hah! Thats actually cool. But still silly in a way...
kuraiou wrote:
All the shit with space travel, time dilation, and memory-erasal is just a huge nightmare of a plot that no script writer would touch in a million years.
Combine momento with planet of the apes. ^^
kuraiou wrote:
I was going to say a few choice words about your spelling and grammar, but that'd be too unfair.
Yeah... I know about them. Im
horrible at spelling. But you know that the
Classical thing to do is to not call atention to it if its not going to be constructive in any way.
And to the rest of the post:
I smell some misunderstanding Big Time. "I blame not being able to edit

" But naa mostly my fault for going off topic with my previous post... I was posting on how they work as games, not movies (dunno why). While MovieMarc was prolly posting within the threads topic on how they would work as movies. (its alittle deeper then that on my side but to mutch of a bother to explain) I feel kinda silly now.
Anyway.... This is not justifying it but if you se that *Odi* wrote something. Expect "some" to "alot" of off topic ^^
Glad to get yer steam going

. Im sad to hear you will never post again cause you make some really good posts.

I'm not so smart. I just stay with the problem a little longer ---- Einstein