Should ther be another CG Final Fantasy movie?... what one?

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Post by hypes » Mon May 01, 2006 9:30 pm

MovieMarc wrote:a: a kh movie would need a completly original story with none of the original characters. Ive seen what happens to Vg movies, I dont want them runing KH.
Actually, a KH movie could turn out O.K, because the only studio that could touch it is Disney, and since Disney let Square do whatever they wanted with the game, if they could do a movie with Disney's movie resources and Squares minds, it's turn out awesome. And seeing how Kingdom Hearts is pretty much already an interactive movie, it wouldnt be hard to translate it over. (I've been waiting for Disney to make a tv show off it or something).

And I agree that the games have just too much stuff in them to be movies. They could try making them into animes or live action TV shows (which would have been better than Legend of the Crystals or Unlimited), or just not make a movie to begin with. I'm perfectly satisfied knowing Zeromus died on the moon through game...
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Post by hypes » Mon May 01, 2006 9:36 pm

MovieMarc wrote: then there is 11 which is a joke in itself.
If they counted 11 as one of the core (numbered series) they shoulda thrown in Tactics and Mystic Quest as numbers too, so Mystic Quest woulda been like four and tactics shoulda been like 8...
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Post by devilmaykickass » Mon May 01, 2006 9:45 pm

A) KH is based off a collection of films, thus making a film about it would be pointless.

B) Final Fantasy XI is an MMORPG and doesn't count as part of the main series...even though Square titled it in a fashion that makes it appear as if it does.

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Mon May 01, 2006 10:59 pm

kuraiou, you're overlooking the fact that FFVII:AC is a sequel and not a transliteration of the game itself. Therefore, things like game mechanics and the unspeakable awful crapness of the plots themselves (cough 8 cough) aren't as much of a problem. AC looks like it took the world and characters from VII and then uh, screwed over some continuity and took it from there. (Caveat: I haven't watched it yet. Soon.)

At any rate, what S-E banked on was the world and characters, not the plot. You couldn't fit FFVII The Game Plot into a movie either. I've read the game script. It's ginormous.

THAT SAID, world-and-characters-wise, FFVI prequel would be most interesting, IMO. Call me biased, but Celes becoming a general, Kefka losing his mind, Daryl etc. would be interesting, and I already like the ending of VI more than logic. Of course, those are all disparate plot threads that wouldn't make any sense separated from the main plot, so meh. But the steampunk / fantasy setting of VI is fun and could give them a lot of shiny to play with.

Incidentally FFII seems to be most like a simpler version of V. At least so far; I'm playing the GBA port right now. It's all right, but the worldbuilding wasn't all that engaging yet.

It'd also be fun if they turned Tactics into a movie and made it make sense. *ducks* :P

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Post by Sephiroth » Mon May 01, 2006 11:56 pm

I hold squares movie making abilities to that of Picasos plays. While it does come from an artist the results are not worth the effort. Squares Merger with Eniq doesn't help, and while GBA ports are nice, Square has become a company that just makes knock-offs of thier previous games. And since the merger Enix which made several great origenal games have also been pushing lesser sequils.

All the charecters do now is reach for peoples groins male and female alike. Spantastc clothing shows of a charecters goods, that or females are inherently better at defending themselves as males which is evident by thier lack of armor and/or clothing.

Kingdom hearts is a big offender in the reguratation department, it took my childhood covered it in fecies and spat it back out like some inbreed fanfiction. The majority of te game servs no point other then to make a cameo filled game that plays to the lowest commin denominator. Charecters who used to be compitant and able to solv problems because they were the hero of the story instead some litle twirp comes around and does it for them completely missing the point of the origenal story. Does Aladdin really have any doughts abour freeing the geenie no all charecter growth has been stopped in order to put another level into the game rather then having any good reason, the villans are also less powerful they need heartless in order to do anything, Malificant is not able to turn into a dragon on her own, everyone is weaker in order to make some twerp named Sora the Hero when he was never the hero of any of those stories. Stories which have allready had thier edge taken off by the disneyfication of them in order to be family friendly.

I reject the abuse of these things, that which came before and got privatized by some media giant then warped into some hollowed sorry hunny pot which the greedy Pooh bear will devor right before he gets stuck in a hole due to the sheer size of his monsterous gurth, trapping him forever in a sea of endless regurgatation.

So as you can see, i don't want square to touch film ever again. They've destroyed cinamatic storytelling enough through film.


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Post by Psygnius » Tue May 02, 2006 2:30 am

Kingdom Hearts is not Square's fault. It was something Disney wanted them to do. Hence the collab between the two companies. So your "big offender" turns out to be the company that originally produced the the films in the first place. But of course, Disney has been sucking like 100 times worst lately with their barrage of sequels to every known film they've ever made.

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Post by Odi » Tue May 02, 2006 3:42 am

kuraiou wrote:Grr. IT's not letting me edit my post to add this stuff in. I apologize for the double post.
I know... I guess they have their reasons not to let us edit but I think its plain sucky. But hey, no biggie ^^
kuraiou wrote:
Odi wrote:"Odi Hates Gunblades"
[As for the gunblade thing... funny story: they exist. They existed before the game. Projectile knives are a common weapon for assassins. Also, the most typical fencing grip is a pistol grip. Of all the things I'd fault the game with, the gunblade is among the least. They were trying for something visually interesting, and although a weapon like that would be much better piercing than slashing, it isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility.
Hah! Thats actually cool. But still silly in a way...
kuraiou wrote: All the shit with space travel, time dilation, and memory-erasal is just a huge nightmare of a plot that no script writer would touch in a million years.
Combine momento with planet of the apes. ^^
kuraiou wrote: I was going to say a few choice words about your spelling and grammar, but that'd be too unfair.
Yeah... I know about them. Im horrible at spelling. But you know that the Classical thing to do is to not call atention to it if its not going to be constructive in any way.

And to the rest of the post:

I smell some misunderstanding Big Time. "I blame not being able to edit :twisted:" But naa mostly my fault for going off topic with my previous post... I was posting on how they work as games, not movies (dunno why). While MovieMarc was prolly posting within the threads topic on how they would work as movies. (its alittle deeper then that on my side but to mutch of a bother to explain) I feel kinda silly now.

Anyway.... This is not justifying it but if you se that *Odi* wrote something. Expect "some" to "alot" of off topic ^^

Glad to get yer steam going :) . Im sad to hear you will never post again cause you make some really good posts. :)
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Post by OmniStrata » Tue May 02, 2006 11:53 am

FFIII [VI here in USA] would make a great cg based series ala reboot...

But as far as that goes, that's the ONLY FF that deserves some form of story media other than 7.

Hell, FF7 had no ending for the most part and the movie kinda filled in that hole...

What I'd wish for is a Dead or Alive cg movie instead of Uwe Boll running it. If you follow what story there is, through the games, not only would you get nice booty eye candy, but the 'legend' of Mugen Tenshin Ninjutsu as well as a few other things can weave out quite a story. Fame Douglass, Victor Donovan, etc.

Though I know people hate it cause they're thinking too hard on the idea, Virtua Fighter is my favorite fighting game turned movie/series next to Fatal Fury. Too bad everything else ended in the toilet with Street Fighter being the biggest let-down. You'd think that being like THE mother of fighting games would get you somewhere...

Fighting games to movies I will accept though is just a bad idea... It killed Raul Julia and I liked him as an actor, he was good... :cry: /salute Romero

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Post by MovieMarc » Tue May 02, 2006 3:32 pm

Hell, FF7 had no ending for the most part and the movie kinda filled in that hole...
alright your gonna have to clarify this for me.

I thought the ending of the game was that aeris's spirt, through the life stream, casts the holy materia defeating the meteor. Once destroyed, along with sephiroth through clouds omnislash, the team escapes certain doom as the holy materia starts to clense the earth of what was bad for it (thats what the holy materia is sposed to do, not just stop the meteor but also destory anything it deemed unhealthy for the earth itself.)

Cut to end creadits and 100 years later where you see red 13 and his children and a moss covered midgar leaving you with the question: Is midgar covered with moss because the holy materia deemed humans unhealthy for the earth and removed them?

at least. thats what i thought the ending to the game was, and I thought it was a damn good ending.

better than 8's "oh no i just realized that ultemicia is rinoa and i just killed rinoa so i have no will to live so ill just stay in this desolate wasteland and die but wait whats this feather doing here it must be rinoa trying to get me to come back so now i have will to live again." and they all lived happily ever after the end.
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Post by MovieMarc » Tue May 02, 2006 3:40 pm

another interpruttation of the ending:

Despite the fact that she was killed, Aeris was able to unleash her powers and become one with the lifestream and stop the meteor. saving cloud whom she loved.

not as deep but still another actual ending.
<Marc|writing> avenge me.... /dies
<assling> NOOOOOOOOOO!
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