Lets get some talk going about GITS 2nd Gig

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Post by Kariudo » Mon May 15, 2006 8:22 pm

with the given information, I wouldn't think so.
Seeing as it's only partially electronic (implies that the location of the electronic compnents can vary from person to person) it would have to be stored in different places, read differently, etc.

However, with the technology in GITS it might be feasible(sp). Another possibility is that certain areas of all cyber brains are electronic such as motor skills, balance, breath control and memory (breath control is important for things like martial arts)

*Ima go upload a can o whoop @$$ to yo brain*
(heh...guess finals are getting to me)

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Post by older_gohan » Mon May 15, 2006 9:05 pm

Well I know that in one episode were Togusa is tried for mallicious assault, the criminal he fought turned off his pain receptors making basically togusa's attempts to hurt him rather ineffective except for imobilizing him. So I assume those things cane asily be controlled. If I remember correctly Kousei has his own pain receptors turned off making his fight with Batou somewhat one-sided.

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Post by Super Shanko » Mon May 15, 2006 10:00 pm

from what i understand,

1. Anyone who's all cyborg can turn off there sense of touch completly along with breathing, like when that mining company was hiring only fully cyborized people to work in that radiation filled tunnel since they didn't need to breath(or sometihng)

2. Batou can turn off his pain receptors when he was in Berlin talking about the cold air still gets to you still.

3. As for when Motoko faced off with Saito, what she was doing was satellite linking or downloading some software or something with her gun so she could get a perfect shot on him because he had a better shot because he's a sniper, but she played him.
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Post by older_gohan » Tue May 16, 2006 10:51 pm

Buit that's the thing. All fo this ahrdware that is downloadable is really programmable into the brain. It would make sense that something like martial arts and other weapons training can just ber programmed into teh brain thus giving the user automatic knowledge. The only way that I see it not happening is it being outlawed because of potential danger. And that kind of thing is controllable because of the barriers and controll the government has over information.

Of course with certain cybernetics even the cold can have an effect on circuits. Though he might not feel it his body can drag because of the general effect from the cold on his motors and circuits.

What I'm also wondering is that is Kousei is really the grand leader he plays or really if he's just a guy looking for enough attention and publicity to play it and make millions. Sure he has the appearance but even then it's not certain he really gives two craps.

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Post by Super Shanko » Tue May 16, 2006 10:56 pm

who's to say, maybe he has something personal with Gohda thats got cueballs attention going or maybe Kousei isn't even really real and its just Gohda in some sorta hacked control.
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Post by older_gohan » Tue May 16, 2006 11:19 pm

That's entirely possible. But they have record of Kousei exsisting before the refugees inhabited degima. But it's still possible Goshda is only using a puppet to further his own wants without really revealing hismelf as the protagonist.

Although most of section 9 is onto him.

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Post by Super Shanko » Wed May 17, 2006 12:50 am

well yeah, i was on to him the moment he showed up, Pride was less suspicious, look at this guy, he's the anime Dr. Evil.

moving on....
Maybe this particular Kousei is a complete fake who Gohda made up from the real thing thats used to throw himself off, really when you look at them, there kinda alike with there influence with people.
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Post by older_gohan » Wed May 17, 2006 7:28 am

But Gohda seems a lot more pompous and obvious with his approach than Kousei does. Not to mention Kousei seems to be very passive with most of his actions leaving others to do a lot of the work for him.

They do exhibit a great bit of similarities but if it weren't for the Major's flash back you could of guessed Kousei to be a copycat like the laughing man inciddent.

Do you think it may be possible that Kousei could become a member of section 9 based solely on his achievments and abilities?

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Post by Super Shanko » Wed May 17, 2006 11:19 am

Not after twisting Batou's leg and impaling his ass, it'd cause too much tension in the group unlike th Laughing Man since he wasn't seen by alot.
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Post by older_gohan » Wed May 17, 2006 3:15 pm

Well it's not like some section 9 members haven't been almost killed by someone who would turn out to be a future member of section 9. Saito is a classic example. Motoko owned his ass and told him that he was her bitch from then on basically.


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