Otakon AMV Contest

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Post by Brad » Sat May 27, 2006 9:33 pm

Castor Troy wrote:
AtomX wrote:(me for example, will sometimes use "AtomX Productions" as my "studio name."
You should use RDS. :P
I might... if I was in RDS. And I might be in RDS if AXP !> RDS. But, this is not the case.
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Post by ReligionX » Sun May 28, 2006 11:56 am

Dangit! All of these answers were basically what I was expecting to hear.

Deep down, I was hoping that all AMV editing studios had a black ops recruitment division. You know, in that easy and dorky way like, "hey, you can make AMVs, so you should join us to make AMVs at the animemusicvideo.org central black ops division."

I'm sure that most of you don't walk around with a billboard on you that says that you make AMVs. I have seen one or two people at Otakon people with billboards on them that say that they make AMVs, but at the time, I didn't know who the person was. Because of this, it's difficult to spot AMV editors in person.

Even if I were to meet other editors at Otakon, it's kind of hard to discuss AMV editing without a graphic representation console or a computer. I'll just have to settle with seeing the Iron Editor.

Do the winners of the AMV contest get anything for winning, or is it just well deserved recognition? I haven't really seen anything about it one way or the other.

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Post by hackerzc » Sun May 28, 2006 12:14 pm

ReligionX wrote:Dangit! All of these answers were basically what I was expecting to hear.

Deep down, I was hoping that all AMV editing studios had a black ops recruitment division. You know, in that easy and dorky way like, "hey, you can make AMVs, so you should join us to make AMVs at the animemusicvideo.org central black ops division."

I'm sure that most of you don't walk around with a billboard on you that says that you make AMVs. I have seen one or two people at Otakon people with billboards on them that say that they make AMVs, but at the time, I didn't know who the person was. Because of this, it's difficult to spot AMV editors in person.

Even if I were to meet other editors at Otakon, it's kind of hard to discuss AMV editing without a graphic representation console or a computer. I'll just have to settle with seeing the Iron Editor.

Do the winners of the AMV contest get anything for winning, or is it just well deserved recognition? I haven't really seen anything about it one way or the other.
Some times from year to year we would all make our own own badges that had our names and stuff on them. But I have not seen that done for a while.
Everyone usually meets each other at the Thursday dinner thing that always manages to be put together at the last minute. Then there are the AMV screenings themselves. A group always gets together to go to those.

I know the first place winners from the contest get a trophy, but I don't think second/third/honerable mentions get anything. I've never been very informed about the awards myself (in 2004 I was told be Geoff we didn't have any, just to find out later that we did).
John Westbrook
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Post by dwchang » Sun May 28, 2006 4:36 pm

rogueintellectproductions wrote:
dwchang wrote:I don't remember if I met you at Otakon in previous years, but if not, you need to come out of hiding :P.
I've been at the last couple of Otakon AMV dinners, but I'm kinda standoffish (read:completely invisible). I'm usually the gargoy..., erm, big guy in the corner - I'm so beta male, I'm practically gamma. Tell ya what, though, I'll make a concerted to be more gregarious (though drinking may be involved. :P )
Sounds good.
rogueintellectproductions wrote:You going to prescreen?
Nope. I live in the Mid-west and am not traveling just for a pre-screening. It's hard enough to get off for Otakon with teaching and research :P.
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Post by Hinano » Sun May 28, 2006 6:38 pm

I've never attended a pre-screening but if its close to south jersey this year maybe I'll go?

Do any GIRLS go to these things? or would I be an outcast? XD

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Post by hackerzc » Sun May 28, 2006 8:51 pm

Hinano wrote:I've never attended a pre-screening but if its close to south jersey this year maybe I'll go?

Do any GIRLS go to these things? or would I be an outcast? XD
The closest prescreenings to you would either be the NYC or Baltimore ones.
LOL, yes girls do attend, so you have nothing to worry about.

If you are worried about some of the more lonely male otaku hitting on you just use a spray bottle and hit them with a mist of water. Failing that, a rolled up Newtype on the nose works just as well.
John Westbrook
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Post by MousePotato » Sun May 28, 2006 9:05 pm

febreeze works better.

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Post by hackerzc » Sun May 28, 2006 9:28 pm

Black Sun Productions wrote:febreeze works better.
Yeah there is the smell thing. But that's something you want to try and save for the con itself.

Raise your hands if you know what I mean.
*Raises Hand*... there was this time at Nekocon.... but I rather not get into it.

I know at least one person besides myself that actually showered at Otakon last year... and that's because she walked across the room in a towel.

It's times like those I wish for teflon towels.
"oops, dropped it again... tee hee"
"oh, no need to apologize" :wink:

Sorry... was at a party today involving bikinis and water and.... well, I can't say anymore.
John Westbrook
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Post by Mroni » Mon May 29, 2006 9:35 am

At least I have a vid in the contest this year.

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Post by rogueintellectproductions » Wed May 31, 2006 4:43 pm

Before I go into this, I would like to say that I'm not suggesting moving the deadline back. IMHO, we were given ample notice about the deadline. I personally have no one to blame for missing the contest but myself. However, I'd be interested in hearing people's opinions on the following:

There's one consequence of the early deadline for Otakon's AMV contest that nobody's brought up. In the past two years, I've seen a lot of videos in the prescreenings that had been in AMV contests earlier in the year. Now, while it's true that people will enter their video into multiple contests, you usually just see "clumping" - say, a video will show in all the contests in January and February, since the deadlines for those contests are all around the same time. However, Otakon's deadline is right around the same time as contests in May and June. The Otakon rules state that a video is eligible for the contest as long as it hasn't premiered before the deadline; however, there are 26 conventions in the US and Canada scheduled between May 17, the deadline, and Otakon weekend. Four took place on Memorial Day weekend alone. The spread is too big - a video could hit the saturation point in that nearly three-month window.

Is that an unfair analysis? Am I making too big a deal of it? (Probably) Of course, there are a number of creators that make a point of not debuting their video until Otakon, so there will always be fresh material in the contest. Maybe instead I should be comparing the contest to the All-Star Game - a contest where all the best videos of the summer meet to lock horns.

Whaddya think? Flame me, it's OK, I may be way off base. I usually am.

PS: John, you rock! The contest rocks! Otakon rocks!
To paraphrase one Mr. Cool James, please refrain from referring to it as a revival, I've been lurking for ages.


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