.MKV Encoding Problems

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.MKV Encoding Problems

Post by IgneousPrime » Mon May 29, 2006 8:13 pm

Hey all. I have a few problems encoding this .mkv file.

First off, it's a RAW of Eureka Seven (around 330 MB) that I'm going to use for my new AMV. It's encoded into .mkv format with AAC audio. When I load it up in VirtualDubMod, I get a warning that tells me that the video might be "Variable BitRate" and to use another program in case it doesn't work. I looked at the frame-rate and it's at "26.472". So I safely assume that it is Variable Bit Rate.

When I play the video on a regular player in Windows (such as Media Player Classic) everything syncs perfectly. However, when I play it in VirtualDubMod, the video seems faster in the beginning, then the audio eventually takes over and that goes faster than the video. The same thing happens when I encode it to any other codec.

I can mess around with the framerate and such and make certain parts play normally, but it's still out of sync.

Another thing I did was split the .mkv into 2 files (video/audio) using MKVExtractGui (which turned it into a .avi and .aac file). I opened the .avi, changed the frame rate to 23.976 I believe...something around that, and I converted the .aac file into .wav and imported it and put it with the video file. I encoded it and everything was synced but the video was really jumpy for some reason. I really forgot how to do this though, I've done soo many things I don't even know anymore, lol.

Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Post by Zarxrax » Mon May 29, 2006 9:04 pm

The variable bitrate message it shows you is refering to the AUDIO, not the video.

The fact that the audio doesn't sync is probably because the video uses a variable framerate. Some parts of it are 23.976 fps and some parts are 29.97 fps. As long as you are using it for an amv, you don't care if the original audio stays in sync. Just set it all to one framerate or the other, and that's that.

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Post by IgneousPrime » Mon May 29, 2006 9:57 pm

Uhm, nah. I was referring to the video. Didn't say anything about audio, but that probobly is too.

Anyway, I'm going to be using the raw for other things as well, just wanna know how I can encode all on 1 frame-rate properly. Any ideas?

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Post by Zarxrax » Tue May 30, 2006 10:11 am

Demux the video to an avi, then load it into avisynth, and use ChangeFPS() on it.

Theres probably a better way...

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Post by Zarxrax » Tue May 30, 2006 10:12 am

Well actually, no, it wont work that way.

You need to load the mkv into avisynth with DirectShowSource, then use ChangeFPS.

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Post by Willen » Wed May 31, 2006 6:55 am

Zarxrax wrote:Well actually, no, it wont work that way.

You need to load the mkv into avisynth with DirectShowSource, then use ChangeFPS.
I ran into this problem recently. Using AviSynth, load your video into VirtualDubMod with this in your source script:

Code: Select all

DirectShowSource("C:\Path\Video.mkv", fps=xx.xx, convertfps=true)
where fps=xx.xx is equal to whatever the video's actual playback frame rate is.

Make sure that you are using the latest version of AviSynth (v.2.5.6a) or this will not work and you will get an error message about convertfps=true being invalid or something like that.
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