I thought I'd count as an old guy but I"m so inactive I might as well be dead...
Well, my fav amv editors are so good, I think I'll make a 5 vid series in dedication to my fav top 5 [excluding Aokakesu cause I made one for him already, God Bless him...
Possible new series?
ITNO [in the name of...]
MexicanJunior, best Windows Movie Maker vids in existance, not opinion, fact baby!
Zarxrax, he claims that my Feel the Rhythm series was good, who's he kidding?
ErMaC, he opinionated my first 4 amvs when I was a fledgling editor... Thanks a ton, though many hated you!
Kevin Caldwell, yeah, he got me too...
lastly, but not least...
Koop, for ignoring me every time I saw him at ACEN...
And redefining the amv and bringing it closer to MAD status...
What would I use for the song and the anime for these dedicated amvs to possibly come? I have no freakin'g clue...
"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
"That is a mistake many of my enemies make. They think before they act. I act before I think!" - Vortigern from Merlin ('98)
"I AM REBORN!" - Dark Schneider Bastard!! OAV