I finaly read her post! And this is all I have to say-
u can say it was bad but don't make it sould so horrible.
"It's your job to think, not ours."
The customer is always right. The sooner you learn that the better off you'll be.
and on a different note
Ha you guys are so critical.
It's cool though cause you all know what you're talking about.
criticizeing has become like second nature to me ;p.
and yet a different note
3.0) Make your clips as long as you need them to be. It's your video.
totaly ot, but no, this doesn't work. he did say longer is permisible, though, if you can keep the action going, which usually means tiny cuts INSIDE the video to keep the action parts closer together. Which is cheating this rule, but it is also basically makeing a few short clips out of one long one. one thing though every so often you luck out and lay a clip down without changeing the timing or anything and it fits, but usually when that happens not everybody agrees. You should try whatever else comes across your plate and go back to what works, never give up until you've exhausted all (or at least a WHOLE LOT) of options. But that's just me, the perfectionist, I care about what everybody thinks of my stuff.
4.0) What you want your video to be is everything. What others want is irrelevant.
now I did notice you went on wich is why I don't like to respond so specificaly like this, it can twist your words.
But, if I'm not takeing this out of context, if what others think has no bearing on you than why post your stuff here? Seriously, we have opinions and comments for a reason. Not too say that way of thought is bad. But it is a tad selfish, maybe even naive. One like that is most undoubtadly just blocking his way to improvement. It's just sick.
but as far as the rest I agree -_- so maybe 4.0 should just be reworded or maybe taken out entireley.