Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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by Fuze » Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:04 pm
Damnation and Destiny AND Imaginary!? o_o Uh oh.
- Samurai Master
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by genestarwind21122 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:31 pm
Sorry to keep everybody waiting. With my hot water tank busting on me and my father 3 weeks ago and then having Guard duty for the past 2 weeks in a row. I have had barely any time at all to get online. I manage to make a few posts and check on a few things but the contest will resume this Friday night and end on July 9th at 11:00pm EST. This will be a double header to make up for lost time. Game 16 and 17 both will be played.
I'll post the results from game 15 later on tonight or tommorrow.
Once again I appolgize things have been hecktick (sp?) recently.
Gene Starwind 21122
- Samurai Master
- Joined: Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:52 pm
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by genestarwind21122 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:05 pm
Okay here are your results for game 15. This was a really good round to watch. Here are your results.
sayde (6-7-1) vs. Fuze (11-2-1) Winner : Fuze 6-3
Devil^Shin (7-7-0) vs. Mr.Panda (3-10-1) Winner : Devil^Shin 6-2
Sammy (6-8-0) vs. Kisanzi (12-1-1) Winner : Kisanzi 9-0
Kristyrat (9-2-3) vs. Yorae (11-3-0) Winner : Yorae 9-0
Al'x (3-11-0) vs. =DarKNesS= (4-9-1) Winner : =DarKNesS= 6-4
Anneke (7-7-0) vs. KnX (8-5-1) Winner : KnX 9-0
Radical_Yue (8-6-0) vs. RolltheStampede (9-3-2) Winner : Radical-Yue 8-0
Rurounikeitaro (7-6-1) vs. kitsuner (2-10-2) Winner : Rurounikeitaro 8-0
Michele (9-3-2) vs. saiyanpride (6-7-1) Winner : Michele 7-2
themaan (7-6-1) vs. godix (5-8-1) Winner : themaan 6-2
killerwogcorp (5-9-0) vs. Bluey11 (12-1-1) Winner : Bluey11 6-2
Nightwing24 (0-14-0) vs. djanime2002 (0-14-0) TIE 4-4
ssj4lonewolf (11-3-0) vs. Tardo (2-12-0) Winner : ssj4lonewolf 9-0
Decoy (10-3-1) vs. RutKiskasca (7-6-1) TIE 4-4
lilgumba (7-6-1) vs. kitsunebeolnet (4-9-1) Winner : kitsunebeolnet 6-2
Outlaw League
East Division ________W-L-T___ Winning %_________ GB_________Current Streak
1. Kristyrat__________ 9-3-3 ___ 0.700_____________ --_________L1
2. Devil^Shin________ 8-7-0 ___ 0.533_____________ 2.5_________W2
3. sayde___________ 6-8-1 ___ 0.433_____________ 4_________L5
4. Sammy__________ 6-9-0 ___ 0.400______________ 4.5_________L1
5. Al'x_____________ 3-12-0 ___ 0.200______________ 7.5_________L2
Central Division
1. Michele___________10-3-2 ___ 0.733_____________ --_________W1
2. KnX______________9-5-1 ___ 0.633_____________ 1.5_________W2
3. Radical_Yue_______ 9-6-0 ___ 0.600_____________ 2_________W7
4. Rurounikeitaro_____ 8-6-1 ___ 0.567_____________ 2.5_________W1
5. anneke___________7-8-0 ___ 0.467_____________ 4_________L7
West Division
1. kisanzi ___________13-1-1 ___ 0.900_____________ --_________W7
2. Yorae____________ 12-3-0 ___ 0.800_____________ 1.5_________W3
3. themaan__________8-6-1 ___ 0.567______________5_________W4
4. =DarKNesS=_______5-9-1 ___ 0.367_____________ 8_________W1
5. killerwogcorp_______5-10-0 ____0.333___________8.5_________L1
Pirates League
East Division
1. ssj4lonewolf_______ 12-3-0 ___ 0.800_____________ --_________W9
2. Decoy____________ 10-3-2 ___ 0.733_____________ 1_________T1
3. godix __________5-9-1 ___ 0.367_____________ 6.5_________L2
4. Mr.Panda__________3-11-1 ___ 0.233_____________ 8.5_________L5
5. Nightwing24____ ___0-14-1 ___ 0.033_____________ 11.5_________T1
Central Division
1. bluey11___________ 13-1-1 ___ 0.900_____________ --_________W1
2. lilgumba___________7-7-1 ___ 0.500_____________ 6_________L2
3. kitsuner____________2-11-2____0.200_____________ 10.5_________L1
4. Tardo_____________2-13-0 ___ 0.133_____________ 11.5_________L3
5. djanime2002____ ___0-14-1 ___ 0.033_____________ 13_________T1
West Division
1. Fuze__ ___________ 12-2-1 ____0.833_____________ --_________W3
2. RolltheStampede____ 9-4-2___ 0.667_____________ 2.5_________L1
3. RutKiskasca________ 7-6-2 ___ 0.533_____________ 4.5_________T1
4. saiyan pride________ 6-8-1 ___ 0.433_____________ 6_________L2
5. kitsunebeolnet _____ 5-9-1 ___ 0.367_____________ 7_________W1
And now here is your wild card stnadings
Wild Card Standings_W-L-T___ Winning %_________ GB
Outlaws League
1. Yorae____________ 12-3-0 ___ 0.800_____________ --
2. KnX______________9-5-1 ___0.633_____________2.5
3. Radical_Yue_______ 9-6-0 ___ 0.600____________ 3
4. Rurounikeitaro_____ 8-6-1 ___ 0.567____________3.5
4. themaan__________8-6-1 ___ 0.567_____________3.5
6. Devil^Shin________ 8-7-0 ___ 0.533____________ 4
7. anneke___________7-8-0 ___ 0.467_____________ 5
8. sayde____________ 6-8-1 ___0.433_____________5.5
9. Sammy__________ 6-9-0 ___ 0.400_____________ 6
10. =DarKNesS=_______5-9-1 ___ 0.367____________6.5
11. killerwogcorp_______5-10-0 ___ 0.333_____________ 7
12. Al'x_____________ 3-12-0 ___ 0.200_____________ 9
Pirates League
1. Decoy____________ 10-3-2 ___ 0.733_____________ --
2. RolltheStampede____ 9-4-2___ 0.667____________ 1
3. RutKiskasca________7-6-2 ____ 0.533___________3
4. lilgumba___________7-7-1 ___ 0.500___________ 3.5
5. saiyan pride________ 6-8-1 ___ 0.433___________4.5
6. godix_____________5-9-1____ 0.367_____________5.5
7. kitsunebeolnet _____ 5-9-1 ___ 0.367___________5.5
8. Mr.Panda__________3-11-1 ___ 0.233_____________ 7
9. kitsuner___________2-11-2____ 0.200_____________ 8
10.Tardo_____________2-13-0 ___ 0.133_____________ 9
11.djanime2002_____ __0-14-1 ___ 0.033_____________ 10.5
11.Nightwing24______ _0-14-1 ___ 0.033_____________ 10.5
Well that does it for Game #15 of this 29 game match up. Well this round went nicely overall with some really good match ups. Game 16 and 17 match ups are posted below. Good luck to everyone we are now just past the half way point.
Commissioner Starwind 21122
Here are you match ups links for videos and info will be posted on ScoobsNet Later...
Game 16
sayde (6-8-1) vs. godix (5-9-1)
Devil^Shin (8-7-0) vs. Kisanzi (13-1-1)
Sammy (6-9-0) vs. Decoy (10-3-2)
Kristyrat (9-3-3) vs. lilgumba (7-7-1)
Al'x (3-12-0) vs. Tardo (2-13-0)
anneke (7-8-0) vs. kitsuner (2-11-2)
KnX (9-5-1) vs. Bluey11 (13-1-1)
Radical_Yue (9-6-0) vs. djanime2002 (0-14-1)
Rurounikeitaro (8-6-1) vs. Fuze (12-2-1)
Michele (10-3-2) vs. ssj4lonewolf (12-3-0)
=DarKNesS= (5-9-1) vs. RolltheStampede (9-4-2)
themaan (8-6-1) vs. saiyan pride (6-8-1)
Yorae (12-3-0) vs. kitsunebeolnet (5-9-1)
killerwogcorp (5-10-0) vs. RutKisKasca (7-6-2)
Mr.Panda (3-11-1) vs. Nightwing24 (0-14-1)
and here are the Game 17 pairings as well
sayde (6-8-1) vs. killerwogcorp (5-10-0)
Devil^Shin (8-7-0) vs. Decoy (10-3-2)
Sammy (6-9-0) vs. djanime2002 (0-14-1)
Kristyrat (9-3-3) vs. Fuze (12-2-1)
Al'x (3-12-0) vs. kitsunebeolnet (5-9-1)
anneke (7-8-0) vs. RolltheStampede (9-4-2)
KnX (9-5-1) vs. RutKisKasca (7-6-2)
Radical_Yue (9-6-0) vs. saiyan pride (6-8-1)
Rurounikeitaro (8-6-1) vs. Nightwing24 (0-14-1)
Michele (10-3-2) vs. =DarKNesS= (5-9-1)
themaan (8-6-1) vs. Tardo (2-13-0)
Kisanzi (13-1-1) vs. lilgumba (7-7-1)
Yorae (12-3-0) vs. Bluey11 (13-1-1)
Mr.Panda (3-11-1) vs. godix (5-9-1)
kitsuner (2-11-2) vs. ssj4lonewolf (12-3-0)
Okay all of these games will be posted by some time tomorrow and voting will last until July 13th at 9:00pm EST.
Commissioner Starwind 21122
Last edited by
genestarwind21122 on Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:44 am, edited 5 times in total.
- Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:38 pm
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by Fuze » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:19 pm
genestarwind21122 wrote:
Rurounikeitaro (8-6-1) vs. Fuze (12-2-1)
By the gods of Olympus....

- Samurai Master
- Joined: Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:52 pm
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by genestarwind21122 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:23 pm
Fuze wrote:genestarwind21122 wrote:
Rurounikeitaro (8-6-1) vs. Fuze (12-2-1)
By the gods of Olympus....

I think I would also be worried about K-rat in Game 17 as well. Got a couple of good match-ups that you'll be in this week.
- Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:38 pm
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by Fuze » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:29 pm
genestarwind21122 wrote:Fuze wrote:genestarwind21122 wrote:
Rurounikeitaro (8-6-1) vs. Fuze (12-2-1)
By the gods of Olympus....

I think I would also be worried about K-rat in Game 17 as well. Got a couple of good match-ups that you'll be in this week.
I didn't even see that.....I'm done for.

- Samurai Master
- Joined: Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:52 pm
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by genestarwind21122 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:32 pm
Well you do have that 2.5 game lead over RolltheStampede so wrost case senario is that you'll only be a .5 game in first place if you lose both, but I tell this contest does have some interesting match ups. My only regret is all the stuff that has happend in the past 3 weeks to cause me to fall behind. With the water heater breaking, work and cleaning up the basement. At least everything looks clear for the next couple of months.
- Maximum Hotness
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by Kitsuner » Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:07 am
So... I have a bye for Game 17 then? :/
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
Stirspeare wrote:<Stirspeare> Lopez: Vanquish my virginity and flood me with kit. ["Ladies..."]