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Post by bloodyfang » Sat Oct 05, 2002 10:26 pm

Ichiban Crush wrote: Now because I'm such a nice guy, it's time for me to give you all something that'll make fanboys cry and fangirls squeal.

what you dressing up as the gayest looking character from the gayest game in the chrono series is supposed to make these non exsistent fangirls (well besides ana) and fanboys squeal?

by the way. most people here don't like to be labeled fanboy/fangirl. its a dumbass stereotype
An ocean of dust and randomly strung together pieces of hydrogen, serving no purpose other than allowing all of us to continue in our misery, doomed to an enternity of petty squabbles and meaningless ego trips, until the whole thing one day explodes and starts the whole shebang all over again. - Chaos_Angel

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Post by Rozard » Sun Oct 06, 2002 12:17 am

¬¬ Danny, that was the dude
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Ichiban Crush
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Post by Ichiban Crush » Sun Oct 06, 2002 1:16 am

[/quote]what you dressing up as the gayest looking character from the gayest game in the chrono series is supposed to make these non exsistent fangirls (well besides ana) and fanboys squeal?

by the way. most people here don't like to be labeled fanboy/fangirl. its a dumbass stereotype

1. Since when were the Chrono games a real "SERIES"? I'll call it a series when Chrono Break is actually announced and released. Two games doesn't make a series.

And Radical Dreamers doesn't count :P

2. I dunno, I think Cross was about fifty times better than that shit you kids play nowadays like FFX and CounterStrike. Of course, that's not saying much. But it is one of the better games on the system. Of course THAT'S not saying much either --;; My only gripe is the game is too damn easy. Someone remind me what the game over screen looks like kthx?

3. Ever used Nikki/Slash? Don't tell me you've been using that french guy or Magus' decendant. They tend to, I dunno...suck in the longrun? Besides, I thought you hated Chrono Cross?

4. The fangirls was a semi-joke. That cosplay tends to piss off men, but women (cute ones at that) tend to love it. Not saying that's my reason for cosplaying Slash (personally, I just think there's not enough rocker VG characters, save Lord Raptor, and if you actually bother beefing up the guy, Slash can be a damned powerful blue inniate which is RARE in Cross), but after danny-boy's comment about how freakish it was, I thought I'd make someone sick. =D

I love sickening people.

And since Anna (I assume you're talking about the owner of CosMen) isn't here to defend herself, let's leave her out of it.

5. Don't like stereotyping? Don't fill the shoes of a stereotypical fanboy and I won't have to. Let's be honest, while not every con attendee stereotyped as a creepy fanboy is in actuallity a creepy fanboy (I know those that may look the part but are some of the coolest people I've ever met), there are those that do. Basically, the knowitalls, the cosplay divas, the conslugs...they all exist.

And personally, I'm going to conventions to begin with, so I don't mind being stereotyped as a fanboy.

Ichiban Crush
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Post by Ichiban Crush » Sun Oct 06, 2002 1:17 am

ugh.....>< forgive the off-formatting.

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Post by Dannywilson » Sun Oct 06, 2002 4:10 am

Ok Ichi, you have gone from being CREEPYBOY to the status of ANGRYBOY. If you want to get into a giant pissing contest with me about How-Much-You-Can-Drink, Who-Is-Or-Is-Not-Whoever's-Girlfriend, Why-or-Why-Not-ChronoCross-Sucks-Donkeyballs, or Whether-Or-Not-You-Were-Full-Force-Bitching, so be it. I'm always up for a good flame war with an over zealous elitist jerk. You can even keep using the "First:(insert self-righteous comment here) Second:(Insert belittiling comment here) etc." format to make your points. Just remember, the difference between us is this: I Don't Give a Flying Rats Ass. This couldn't affect me any less in real life. Even if you win, I keep going about my daily life, not caring about you or anyone else I really don't respect. I apologized once, and that should have been enough, but you kept on with it like it would make me that much more sorry or apologetic.

The kid gloves are off, and if you would like to take this to another level, I'm most certainly willing to oblige. But if you would like to be a man about it and let it go, I respect that also.
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Post by Dannywilson » Sun Oct 06, 2002 6:19 am




I'm on tussin right now, and these pictures look horrifyingly similar!
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Ichiban Crush
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Post by Ichiban Crush » Sun Oct 06, 2002 6:49 am

Ah, the ol' "Arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics..." copout. XD wow, how friggin' cliched is THAT? (damn the laughing smilie is fugly X_X)

Angry? Me? Sure, I'm bitter, sarcastic, rash, and maybe <s>somewhat</s> off-balance asshole with the most warped ethic code known to man, constantly teeter-tottering on the brink of hypocricy and what actually checks out, but once again, have you seen any all caps and overuse of exclaimation marks? Have I belittled anyone specifically? Have I, so far, done any of these things?

Nope, you won't be gettin' that from me. To be honest, I just can't take myself seriously enough to get angry by any of this.

Angry is nonstop ranting, overuse of exclaimation points, and using all caps, none of which I've done. Concerned? Yeah, sure, when I see something like that. Disgusted? A little. Insulted? Sure, but I've dished out worse (like I said, it's just a bit hard for me to take myself too seriously). But angry? Gonna have to try a lot harder than that. All I'm trying to do is set some facts straight, and have tried to be pretty damned civilized about it.

Yes, I use assloads of profanity when I'm civil. That's not anger, that's just me. One doesn't have to be formal to be civil.

So please don't accuse me of being royally pissed off. It seems you're the one getting bent out of shape when I'm just merely stating my points and opinions across. And stop twisting my words around while you're at it. If anything I say makes you angry or makes you feel insulted, deal.

BTW, was I even refering to you when I made that last post? Because I could have sworn I was refering to some other guy's post, therefore no needing for you to respond to that whatsoever.[/overkill]

Now excuse me while I go take half-naked photos of myself and post 'em all over the inter-web. Because, you know, that's all cosplayers tend to do. No really!

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Post by jbone » Sun Oct 06, 2002 7:02 am

Come on, people... everyone just sit down, relax, and eat some pie.
"If someone feels the need to 'express' himself or herself with a huge graphical 'singature' that has nothing to do with anything, that person should reevaluate his or her reasons for needing said form of expression, possibly with the help of a licensed mental health practitioner."

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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Sun Oct 06, 2002 7:56 am


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Post by jbone » Sun Oct 06, 2002 8:34 am

AbsoluteDestiny wrote:I LIEK PIE :E
"If someone feels the need to 'express' himself or herself with a huge graphical 'singature' that has nothing to do with anything, that person should reevaluate his or her reasons for needing said form of expression, possibly with the help of a licensed mental health practitioner."


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