Calling all old fart otakus, I lost anime music videos ;(

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Calling all old fart otakus, I lost anime music videos ;(

Post by Kleric » Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:49 pm

Hello. I've been a collector of anime since 1986 (old fart otaku) and I recently moved and lost an old VHS (yes, those plastic things) that had 8 hours of anime music videos on them. I had most of that particular tape backed up onto a hard drive, but not two videos that I really liked ;(

This is a total shot in the dark here, but here's what I'm looking for:

Anime: Yotoden
Music: Cocteau Twins, "Ella Megalast Burls Forever"

Anime: Appleseed (the OAV from 1988)
Music: can't recall... - . - It was some Japanese Punk music

The tape and music videos originated in Colorado and I obtained it via a Tape Trading mailing list using Prodigy during dial-up 14.4k modem days >.>;;;; Anyway, I've searched the net far and wide to no avail. Figured I'd give the forum a try here. Thanks for any leads ^-^

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Post by devilmaykickass » Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:02 pm

Using the supersearch I was unable to find #1 and there's alot of Appleseed videos, so without a band name/song title it's kind of hard to determine which it is...

Considering the age though, you may very well be out of luck as far as finding downloads goes.

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Post by Orwell » Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:23 pm

But you have most of the other stuff backed up right? How might I entice thee to share that collection with another collector of amvs?
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Post by Thorblitzer » Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:44 am

I would also be interested in getting some of those oldies. Can you put them on Megaupload or something for all to download?

Sorry I can't help with those vids though....
Yeah, the AMV thesis....that was me.

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Post by Knowname » Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:50 pm

28.8 was EVIL 33.6 was the BOMB especially once line doubleing was made available ;-p P* (Prodigy) was awesome too specially liked Gemstone 3 on my 14.4... before they moved it to that new EVIL technology called the World Wide Web and started chargeing for it -BAH!!-


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