ReligionX wrote:Let me ask you--how did you start making AMVs, and how do you find is the easiest way for you to make AMVs?
Well, I started because the more AMVs I watched the more ideas I had. I'd find an AMV that sold me on an anime or music artist, and I wanted to share the things I loved as well.
Sakura-con was coming up, a con actually in my area & I figured 'heck, this is as good a time as any to give it a try'. I had some editor I had gotten for home videos (that I never got around to using
) and read the manual and just messed around until I became familiar with the program. The footage turned out awful (I had no idea there was so much prep work involved, I don't think I'd discovered the guides here yet) But everything else in the video I was very happy with....and still am, I'd go back and fix the interlacing....but I hate re-doing things once I know they're done....but maybe I will....see, it's all this indecision that kills my AMV skills XD
My style of editing is I'm sure not the fastest or the best.
I don't consider myself a GREAT AMVer but I like 'em & I've found some others who like them as well & that's good enough for me.
I've read all the guides now and use those for my prep work. I first rip whole DVDs or ALL episodes of the anime I want to use....I can't just pick out clips for ripping because I change my mind alot about what I want.
Then I put it all in the editor. Now that I use Premiere Elements I have multiple timelines. (don't really like this program...but I like the multiple timelines, makes my style of editing a little faster for me
) I put my long clip/s on the first line, and sift through it while listening to the song to find what I want, razor cut it and put that on the 2nd line, (keeping in mind the feel I wanted to have) and just repeat...until the song is over. Then I go over it again and again and again and look for the things I want to change. I have to sit here day and night for days until I get it done...because if I don't, I'll never finish it. I have several "ideas" that took too long to get started, or got interrupted and as much as I love the ideas I can't get them done!