Vegas 6 Trimmer Question..

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Vegas 6 Trimmer Question..

Post by ukexboi » Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:07 pm

I've "Run" through the Vegas 6 help quide at the top of "Video Software Help" But I don't think it answered my question I was wondering about..

Can you get the vegas 6 trimmer to actually load ONLY the video or audio of a File?.. There should be a way because you can seperate it when you drag it to the main edit screen at the top (don't know the name of it).. I could do that all the time, but it just clutters my main editing screen..

I've "Ran" through the prefrences but I don't see a way to do it.. I've tried to click the file in the trimmer and just select the audio and delete it but it doesn't work..

Also if this has been answered, I'm sorry.. I've tried to search but I just get an error, thus, I can't search to find my answer.. I've tried googling but all I get are numberous upon numberous websites that don't even answer my question even closely...

Anywho hope someone can answer.. Thanks!


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