With the technology been so advanced and being so quick and everything...it kinda makes you think that they've at least, somehow found a way to minimise costs or created a larger capacity disc for DVD makers or something.

There are alternatives, but they cost a lot more to implement. For example, a company could put its media on a double-layered DVD, which effectively doubles the space available. The reasons why it hasn't been as widely used is both a higher price than normal, single-layer DVDs and potential incompatibility with some players.anime_flower wrote:With the technology been so advanced and being so quick and everything...it kinda makes you think that they've at least, somehow found a way to minimise costs or created a larger capacity disc for DVD makers or something.
Yeah, that's true. Guess it makes sense. Which means we'll have to wait until Double Layer DVD Players becomes popular in order for them to make the Dual-Layer DVDs. However, I suspect ANIME dual-layer DVDs will come out after the normal movie dual-lyaer DVDs. After all, comparing the ANIME section to normal movie section, they have a lot more selection than ANIME.GloryQuestor wrote:There are alternatives, but they cost a lot more to implement. For example, a company could put its media on a double-layered DVD, which effectively doubles the space available. The reasons why it hasn't been as widely used is both a higher price than normal, single-layer DVDs and potential incompatibility with some players.anime_flower wrote:With the technology been so advanced and being so quick and everything...it kinda makes you think that they've at least, somehow found a way to minimise costs or created a larger capacity disc for DVD makers or something.
Blu-Ray and other technologies are coming out, and they will be good for future media, but in the DVD age not a lot of people are going to re-buy Blu-Ray versions of media they already have. That's pretty much been the doom of the UMD format -- even though you can watch them on PSPs easily, no one's going to front the same cost as the DVD they already own just to get it on their portable player.