AMV-MM[AnimeMusicVideos Megamix] for Stepmania

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:10 pm

You fail to mention which friday though... clever. :lol:

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Post by AMV_4000 » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:52 pm

shinji13 wrote:@AMV::

This project isnt really using songs from DDR, though I am using two songs that are official DDR songs, I do I do I do and Cartoon Heros... but that ended up being coincidental, though that is a good suggestion- perhaps I will start another project where editors get together and actually make videos for In The Groove songs and such.
i know its not a ddr project, i was suggesting a new project, kinda like the old ddr projects... but newer, and less limited...
you could use all the games mentioned before, but dont forget guitar hero, maby some pa-rappa, or some space channel... We Got Rythm Project?

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Post by shinji13 » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:18 pm

BasharOfTheAges wrote:You fail to mention which friday though... clever. :lol:
always finding ways to escape responsibility =]
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Post by genestarwind21122 » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:29 pm

So do you have an update for us?

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Post by shinji13 » Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:59 pm

genestarwind21122 wrote:So do you have an update for us?
Hows about I hand you all one on sunday, I've done some good work so far but this was without internet access, now that I have pictures available I am gonna work on banners and bg's and hopefully finish up all the songs I've started now :]
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:14 pm

shinji13 wrote:Hows about I hand you all one on sunday
fooled again! :lol:

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Post by shinji13 » Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:19 pm

:cough: okay okay! I'll send one in this sunday :lol: I swear my dead great great grandpa on it... ;)
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Post by genestarwind21122 » Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:30 pm

Umm Shinji it's Monday do you have an update for us?

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:51 pm

Usually you swear on dead people that you will do something, not that you'll do it on them. You did it backwards.

::confusion and necromancy::

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Post by shinji13 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:36 pm

Ack, I was gonna joke around and pull your guys strings for another week, but then I got an email saying they removed my image because it was 68 pixels high.. what is up with the limit of 68 pixels? wtf, why so small, it was tiny anyways... but whatever, I cant support my favorite online show.

Oh, and sorry Gene I know you probably wanted to have the update. But since its so close to the end and since we have less things to do than I have completed in the newest update I am going to just list out what needs to be done still and then on Sunday I will list it out again.
To Do As of September 13, 2006 wrote: -=- Do light mode for I do [heart] Yuri, planned for today-=-

-=- Do light mode and finish heavy mode for Birth From The Beast, planned for the 14th.. tomorrow -=-

-=- Do a light and heavy mode for Cartoon Heroes, also make a banner and a background picture, plan to do on the 15th -=-

-=- Do light mode for Sending Freedom, also make a banner and a background picture, plan to do on the 16th of saturday. -=-

-=- Pick out the other 9 videos to be used [or 8 depending upon if I can get the video Break to work out, we had error with the format, apparently stepmania does not take .wmv files, my mistake in not looking into that. If we can reformat it with atleast a decent quality video then I will still be using it otherwise I will have to find a new video to replace it... After 9 videos are picked out, or between, finish any work that needs to be completed on any of the songs listed above until I have completed them. Sunday is the work day for this project, all deadlines of the week will be met on sunday or I will be sleep deprived on monday. -=-
As everyone should now know this projects deadline [and the website and hopefully a couple of reviews, the chronotrigger simfile project, and possible a few comic strips] is October 1st of 2006, on this day the website will be up and visitable by anyone with internet access. Below in quotations is a list of future less detailed deadlines I plan to establish on Sunday of this week and release to you on Wednesday of next week.
Future deadlines until October 1st, 2006 wrote: For the AMVPL Project:
-Monday through Friday work on the remaining 9 songs that still need to be completed, 18-22 of September. On Saturday and Sunday do any work incomplete on these songs and do not stop working until finished, also with spare time work on the remaining 9 chrono trigger songs that need to be completed and/or worked on before release.-

-Monday through Friday the 25th through 29th buy a domain name, a web server and work on and complete the first layout and system for the HTML website, upload any files that need to be uploaded.-

-Use Monday through Friday and Saturday and Sunday to write and draw a small short comic strip and possible the first page of an [unidentified] comic with artist and friend Justin, also fix any small bugs I find in the website... Also use this time to write up reviews on a movie or two, as well as perhaps a short book report on a book [all depends on what book I am reading at the time].
So, you've seen the semi-detailed but not so much deadline plan from now until October 1st, I dont know if the Chrono Trigger pack will be done or if I can even convince my friend Justin to draw my storyboards [he is a bit shy about his artwork, though its simple, its still well drawn and amusing]. We already have an idea for a fulltime comic and I have come up with a humorous idea for a short comic strip... and all of this is kind of unrelated to this project, but it will be a part of the website this project will be hosted at.

Anyway, I hope the insight of this update was enough to settle everyone down since my lack of updates lately, and I promise another one on Sunday.
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein


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