Hehe, that's what I always start with. Glad you liked it.Falconone wrote:Great job and good combination of anime and music.
General Note: I added the (complete) lyrics.
Yeah, to bad I wasn't able to work on the sceneselection a bit more, but I guess I'll make up for that with my next actionvideo.Streicher wrote:Nice done. For a somewhat random amv it has too little action sync for my tastes. Still fine, especially considering the limited amount of time editing. Worth watching.
Hehe, well I made the intro before I even knew what the AMV should look like since it was made months before the video itself. But still, it's just an intro.Streicher wrote:The intro does not fit at all, as much as I love the music source. It creates a totally different mood that is needed/wanted for the actual amv.
Kragdrim wrote:Really a beautiful vid !
I love it
Thanks, I'm glad you both liked it.yumi+chan wrote:Really a great video ^^
Thanks, well I can imagine watching Phoenix Rising all the time and then switching to Endless Sky might be a bit to much since they're quite similar so it's no wonder one can get a bit fed up with that simple editing . But good you like it after taking a little break.kisanzi wrote:This vid was a strange one for me. I didn't like it too much for the first couple viewings but after coming back to watch it again recently, it looks alot better to me. I think I still had Phoenix Rising stuck fresh in my mind since I've watched it so much and that probably had me too used to the editing style. But now when I watch this vid it rocks! Good work!