You can probably get a friend to email you a free trial offer, or just sign up for one. Assloads of DVDs.
DVD sourced vids are most likely to have DVD quality.
Seconded. My last half-decent video was made partially with rips from rented DVDs, although I bought the series afterward.
Thing is, man, what you are displaying here - "I want it, so I deserve it, give it to me now now now" - is what's known as an entitlement complex. It tends to piss people off. Not just here, but a lot of places in life.
Make videos with what you have. If you don't have the source yet, file that idea away for later and make something else. I started out with game videos for that exact reason. Since I still don't have a very big collection, I have a text file of all of my workable ideas and what I still need to buy in order to make them. (Idea 1, I have everything... idea 2, I need to buy the CD... idea 3, I need the second half of the series plus the CD... etc.)
The last project I started had been in the back of my head for three years, unmade, because I didn't have the DVDs yet. Three fricking years. And I didn't whine about it or expect to steal other people's clips.