Mmm, would it have helped people to take me less seriously if I'd've started it,
I am God, and this is My new Naruto AMV
Bet you didn't know that I was a Naruto fan. Why else would I have allowed so many of My parishioners to fall from My church and worship this new god named after what comes on top of ramen?
Indeed, he is more worthy of worship than I - all hail the new God, Naruto Uzumaki! And look upon My tribute to him - this video!
Did that once. ^_^ Obviously not with an AMV, but same basic approach.
And yes, I was editing with divX - it was all I had. Actually, bob64's advice about having a bad codec was spot-on, and now I have a nice, shiny version sitting on my computer. Looks, well, perfect. Just gotta cut out a couple of frames that I THOUGHT were bad pixellation, but were actually leftover frames.
And as far as the one subtitle that remained - I tried cropping the clip, but it literally wrecked the clip - wouldn't play at all. Tried it again just now, and same thing happened.
And, as I said, my next video will have summat more original content; all I wanted to do was learn how to use the program and edit, get criticism about what I've done wrong, fix what was wrong, and then move on.
Official Fanboy Disclaimer: The above post is not meant to be taken internally. If you do so, consult a doctor immediately. Examine the post carefully, because it may have been meant as tongue-in-cheek. If you take the post too seriously, be warned that the poster may be laughing at you very loudly. Do not taunt Happy Fun Post.