Holy sweet bejeebers!
It's been a month since I've written anything.
Truth to tell, I don't think too many people are interested in this contest. I figured it was a shoo-in since everyone here knows anime and just about everybody knows Disney movies. They're like the mainstay of American society as we know it (no, seriously! Have you ever been to the Disney Corporate website? They own everything! I have a sneaking suspiscion that Disney really runs the government and the whole 3 Branches system is just a facade). Well, that's my rant for today. Enough ranting and back to the contest.
February is nigh but about 2 months away so I expect to hear some Progress Reports (and no, they don't require a parent's signature). Tell me how you're doing so far, if there are any problems, how you like it, if you want me to beta test it, things like that, etc.
And whoever said this would have made a better MEP, I think I'd have to agree at this point. It doesn't seem like there are many people who choose the same movie. My only complaint about MEP's is that once someone's called a section of the project there's no guarantee that what they submit, in the words of Strong Bad, won't be "total crap". I figure a contest gives people some healthy competition and a motive to be better than the other contestant. But whatever my philosophy, this has been a contest too long in my opinion to suddenly become an MEP. Also, I think I just picked a horrible time to launch the contest. I did it when people go back to school. I only wish I had thought of this contest at the end of the last schoolyear. Then people would have had all summer to come up with some great material. Oh well.
Well, I'm off. Don't forget those progress reports now! I want to see some posts.