by Vlad G Pohnert » Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:50 pm
Audience Voting:
Popularity contest plan and simple.. It has it's place, but I'm not a fan of the audience picking all the winners. Most of the time a comedy will win best of show or a video with a popular song and anime. Worst way to pick categories or even category winners In my opinion.
Winner by Judging:
This option will depend on several factors, like who your judges are and how balanced they are. Generally, if you have judges that are more objective then bias to an anime or song and you have a balance of say creators, AMV knowledgeable individuals/fans, then this method seems to work well. My suggestion is that if you go with a panel of judges, make sure they are handpicked and balanced. HOWEVER it's still no guarantee that the most deserving video may possibly win as that can be subjective.
I find the best overall solution is to have a mix of judging and audience awards. That way good videos that the audience would never vote for have a chance at recognition by the judges, and the audience has their say and feel part of the process... There is a number of cons that do that and it seems to work well.
To be honest, I feel audience only picking of the best of show has no merit and says nothing that it truly was the best video... The is the one thing I do agree with Otakon's contest in the past, as it never had a best of show category (audience voted)..
In terms of categories, it a big problem in general as it's hard to fit in some cases a "square" peg into a round hole as some video don't fit into the traditional category. There have been attempts at fixing this by not having categories or other methods. I myself use a system of floating categories for Anime Evolution where the final set of 6 are determined after all entries are received. Hence if 50% are Drama related, then half the categories might be Drama types (Romance, Sentimental, etc)...
And finally, in terms of AMV hell videos, I suppose it depends on the rules... technically I agree that in most cases, they are not true music video, but each contest rules are different... I think in the end they will run thier course and dissapear from popularity as people get tired of seeing the same old "Jokes" over and over