I guess it just wasnt my type of anime then.
I mean first off, gore, decapitaitons, and disembowelments dont really excite me. Its not that i cant stand it, its just because its there, it dosent make it good.Im thinking take away those aspects, and you have an average storyline, and average characters.
I admit, I like to eat something while im watching new anime. For those who havent seen it, I DONT recommend eating SPAGHETTI during the first few eps, especially the first.

Or maybe its becuase i judge how much i enjoy an anime by how much times i see it. With Elfen Lied its anime i dont see myself watching over and over again. With anime ranked so high up on anime lists unfortunately I fail to see why its up there, unless if the level of gore, blood etc. is major determining factor. My opinion my change in the future, but at the moment thats just how i see it.