Black Cat *SPOILERS maybe*

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Black Cat *SPOILERS maybe*

Post by CyRU5 » Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:23 am

is this a good anime. i just got done watching the first episode. it seems alright but it doesnt seem like something that is worth watching all the way through. is this true.
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Post by Arigatomina » Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:01 am

Read the manga instead. Then, if you're not satiated, you can try watching some more of the anime. I found the second half of the anime a big disappointment after reading the manga. Almost alternate universe. The characters are still likable, but they screwed the plot something awful. o.O

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Post by sweetdeily » Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:50 am

I've seen the whole series of the anime, and I quite enjoyed it. It's a very different kind of anime series, although it has moments where it slows down a wee bit which can be a bit of a bummer for people who like their anime fast and hard. Still, worth a watch/read.

Arigatomina-sama, most anime divulge from the manga in some way or another. I used to be annoyed and irritated, now I just resign myself to the fate of it and pray for a cohesive ending. ^^;
I have to admit though, I do kind of wonder what happened with BC.... I haven't read the manga, but the second half was.... odd... very.... odd. Oro.

Still, I bloody love the artwork in this series- and some of the best webpage designs are from this series! *molests Train*
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Post by Rurounikeitaro » Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:03 pm

Yes, the animations in this anime are sweeeet!! Love it so much I'm making another AMV with it. I haven't read the manga either but I can probably say that I love the animations and the main character more than the show itself.

The first 7 episodes were just amazing to me. The plot changed so fast I was like "WTF?!?!" and they kept me going through the rest of the show. Basically, I love the drawings, relationship between Train and Saya, and Train himself "that sounded gay as hell! You know what I mean, I hope"


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