by OmniStrata » Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:41 pm
Ban anime?
20k signatures?
That's better than other petitions I've seen [by about 50 billionx worth]
Anime is different. Therefore feared by the ignorant and uneducated. Much like how hentai is looked on by the self-proclaimed 'decent' people. [who probably will never have sex their entire lives since it's definitely evil to begin with to them...]
Let's face it, sex and violence have been the driving force behind this world's history for... ever!!
I'd preferably have a world orgy than a world war but hey, you can't have your cake and eat it all the time right?
Back onto anime, anyone have insight as to why 'drawn' characters would fare worse or better than live-action? ...which is probably one of the bigger arguments out there - main one being [watch real porn, not hentai] gah*
[tentacle hentai is hawt for me at times ^_^]
"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
"That is a mistake many of my enemies make. They think before they act. I act before I think!" - Vortigern from Merlin ('98)
"I AM REBORN!" - Dark Schneider Bastard!! OAV