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Post by sweetdeily » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:36 am

autraya wrote:
Asheik wrote:Sorry for wasting your guys' time. >>;
Asheik sometimes you never know until you ask. :wink:
And the way that each of us communicate may not be the easiest to understand, I mean look at sweetdeily, I've know her for 18 years and I still can't understand what she's talking about :P
What my mutant alien sister-thing wants to say is that it's okay to ask questions if the answer isn't apparent to you at the time. ^.^

Autraya's just full of love.... *sound of shotgun loading in the background*
Lockstock: " i gots the power!"
Sweetdeily: "you know he-man was a gay icon, right?"


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