The Blümchen-Nur Geträumt MEP

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Post by CrackTheSky » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:45 am

omegaevolution wrote:BTW how did you made that border? O.o XD
Photoshop and HSL Adjust in Vegas. Took me a while to figure out how to get what I wanted, though :/

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I'll look into those suggestions.

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Post by BauziOLD » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:11 am

Now I have it! For the first two zoom out fades. Add a color correction or whatever.

Ah... my critic was for Greguss and not for Guy. Sry man! :oops:

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Post by Greggus1 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:35 am


Gosh Bauzi, I think I'll wait a few hours before starting over, in case you decide the criticism wasn't really directed at me :P

Um, you know, confidence in your opinion is cool and all, and if everyone agreed with you, I'd get cracking right away, but umm, nobody here seems to agree it sucks? Or unless everyone was saying it was good to make me feel good, while trying to get someone to replace me behind my back? :P

Anyway, my point here would be to take it easy, Bauz. You always say you're sorry before ripping someone apart, but I've never actually seen you criticize someone in a nice way. So, especially when you're not going with the popular opinion, a little modesty would be nice :)

Another possibility is we all suck, so nobody besides you and mysterious wonder boy have the ability to recognize the suckiness...

And Happy Birthday Omega!

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Scott Green
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Post by Scott Green » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:43 am

Greggus1 wrote: Another possibility is we all suck, so nobody besides you and mysterious wonder boy have the ability to recognize the suckiness...
This remineds me of my classmate.....
Who always said "You are all just crazy fucked up people!"
But maybe the only one who was crazy and fucked up was himself..... :?

Hmmm....don´t take my comments to serious!!!! Just ignore them!!!!

Oh and Happy Birthday Omega!!!!
Last edited by Scott Green on Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Greggus1 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:50 am

I'm really not sure why all the meanness is necessary :?

My comment was just a little sarcasm. I think everyone knows I think they rock.

I should also address your criticism a bit, Bauzi :oops:

Basically, the theme of the piece is sort of spiritual, meaning not a logical progression. It's meant to create a mood of a city, and its inhabitants overwhelmed when facing the supernatural.

It's kinda like "Condemn", in a way. Just like that was a profile of insanity, this is a profile of awe. Every clip was chosen with that theme in mind, although I couldn't justify the choice of every clip to you in words. It's just something I felt out.

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Post by BauziOLD » Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:48 am

Another possibility is we all suck, so nobody besides you and mysterious wonder boy have the ability to recognize the suckiness...
Believe me... he/she knows what he/she is talking about and the peron also said that guy´s beta is: meh
... I´m realising now that there is also one beta of guy. Here.. *sigh* I´ve overlooked it. That doen´t mean that my opinion to your part wasn´t honest at all.
In a bit far way the goal of a mep part is to give everything you have or at least to try. I´m sure that you tried but you didn´t reached your maximum.
create a mood of a city
That was reached.
inhabitants overwhelmed when facing the supernatural.
and on the other hand this wasn´t reached.

and hey I try to critic in a nice way but this is just hard.

Ok after beeing a big confussion I saw guy´s beta:
To the zooming moving picture whatever, I wish again blured burders and edges like in Danielle´s part. I think those hard and sharp edges and borders are a bit rude. I guess you know that the black borders should be croped out.
If you use the piano keys effect it could be interessting to put a picture as the line and add the same effects. Also you could make a "gardient":
First beat sync blue, the last one red and the piano keys evolute dynamic into the red. So from blue to red or whatever. Uhm... Sry I can´t explain this in a clearer way.

fuck it I´m the bad guy again and I don´t want .-.

@Scott: Just nevermind and it is just good to take two step backwards from critics to see it in a neutral way. That you don´t feel down, depressed or whatever
Sarcasm is good even if there are no sarcasm smilies ^^
Also it is Greggus right and maybe natural reaction to see such a really hard critic as nonsense at all, when no one else says something too.

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Post by omegaevolution » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:05 pm

Thanks Scott and Greg ^^

@Bauzi: I have been giving feedback too, so don´t feel like the only bad guy here ;)

ok My Beta is here, and I will tell you some things:

1- yeah I know its too big for a XviD 26-27 sec beta, I was just too lazy to configurate the bitrate and other things :P
2- Can anyone teach me how the f*** I encode with Lagarith!?!?!?!? O_O, I tried 10 times and it always ended without audio and in slow motion. (and 187 Mb size, though I knew that it was going to be big XD)
3- A lot of you don´t know my editing style (I presume), so I will tell you that I´m not the kind of editor that makes complicated or lots of effects in the videos, I like them simple and clean LOL, so if you suggest that I should add a complicated effect, you will have to teach me how to since I really can´t work with AE (oh and I use Vegas 6.0)
4- I think the first part is a little offsynch, BTW my official part begins at 0:02 aprox, but I still synched the part before my segment since I wanted too :P. Also I think I should speed up the cookie cutters from 0:07-0:09 :/. And please don´t critiq the final part since there aren´t a lot of scenes with this 2 girls (its a 13 ep OVA in which they are like that in ep 4 & 5 only >.>U), so yeah I was worry to end up with no more clips.
5- this is extreme happiness O_O, be aware of that. I preffer editing action stuff though XD

that, any comments, feedback, things I should change, are apreciated *hides from Bauzi is critiqs* XD

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Scott Green
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Post by Scott Green » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:43 pm

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy :lol:
Tales of Eternia, baiba!!!!!!!!
To-02: Sorry I can´t help you here, i too tried out Lagarith and i ended up seeing only one thirds of my Vid, while the whole was displayed, sorry. I personally use Huffyuv...
To-03: I´m just like you, simple editings... and i think it fits for the last segment, but that´s not mine to decide....
To-04: Don´t know how the cookie cutter looks when you speed it up, but you could try so....
To-05: extreme happiness flows through my body when i see such a good ToE beta :sweat:
To your Beta:
00:00-00:04 This look like it´s synced good.
00:04-00:08 Here the sync feels a little off, but i don´t know what..
00:08-00:10 Yeah sure try to speed it up
00:10-00:13 Were these my eyes or was there something red in the corners??? Because i think the red ones are a little out of place
00:13-End Maybe you should sync something to the "clicking" (don´t know how to discribe it better) in the background of the music....hmm maybe some little lightnings or something like that...though the color changes and the scence are fitting good i think, even if you were running out of footage...
Oh and try to avoid the LipFlap in your segment, i recognized much of it

All in all the editing was simple and that´s why i really liked your beta...
I think this is a really good work...

The background in your screenshot looks awsome, I´m really looking forward to your next beta. Just one question is the background moving, I´m really curious....
-Bauzi- wrote:fuck it I´m the bad guy again and I don´t want .-.
Destiny is always kicking some asses :|

-00:19 This looks awsome to me i see nothing that needs to be changed, besides you said you won´t change anything
00:19-End Maybe her you should use feathers on the edges, i think.... And is it for purpose that the colorfull background changes size constantly??? Because it looks awkward when the black boarders always show up again, though they are little one´s on the sides, it kinda disturbed my....

Don´t get me the wrong way, your editing looks really great!!!
But it kinda falls out of the row, because when i hear the song i feel the Theme of this Video should be Dreaming of Love and Happienes and you didn´t gave me the feeling of that with your beta...
At this point i can only say I agree with Bauzi, and maybe you picked the wrong anime for this....though i don´t know it...
But when i see aside of this your beta looks really cool!!!

00:03-00:08 Her you should probably sync more beats that are there in the song
to the rest The rest looks great espacially the colorfull boarders. The only thing that disturbed me was that you didn´t synced the drumbeats all over the beta, i think they are really standing out of the song and you should sync them....And what i liked...the pulsing part was cool

all betas analysed and commented, waiting for more input....
Let´s see were the next betas are :uhoh:

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Post by Aerialesque » Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:19 pm

-Bauzi- wrote:@Danielle:
Now I have it! For the first two zoom out fades. Add a color correction or whatever.
Alright, I do like that idea, Bauzi. I'll try it out. ;)
Scott Green wrote: @arie
00:03-00:08 Her you should probably sync more beats that are there in the song
to the rest The rest looks great espacially the colorfull boarders. The only thing that disturbed me was that you didn´t synced the drumbeats all over the beta, i think they are really standing out of the song and you should sync them....
Yeah, the more I watch it, the more I agree with you guys about the synch...I'm working on it, I promise.

Omega, nice work on your beta. I like it. :) Here's a couple things I have to say:

- As for the problems encoding with Lagarith...I encode with Lagarith all the time, and I've never had any problems with it. That's weird. I wish I could help you out here, but I'm not sure why it's happening... -is no help-
- the color borders during the transitions at around 0:10 - 0:12 look kind of funny. The red sticks out more than the others. I think you should either tone down the red, or make the other color borders bright/vibrant enough to match the red. (imo)
- The lip flap bothered me a bit. It's not that bad...but I did notice it.
- The cookie cutter part seems alright to me, but it might look better if you speed it up a little. I don't think I would have said anything if you hadn't mentioned it, though...

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Post by Greggus1 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:03 pm

Good stuff, Omega. I'd call the beta perfect if it were a middle segment, but seeing as it is the final segment, I kinda feel your scene selection could be a little more... epic. I mean, try to imagine the entire completed project with so many styles and animes and editing techniques... Are you okay with all of that ending with two girls fooling around on stage?

My actual advice would be to redo the scene selection from 0:19 on, using a different scene. But that's just me. I really love how your beta doesn't feel like it needs effects, anyway. That's strong editing.

And Scott, definitely no hard feelings. I kinda feel like you're in the project, not Rex, as he hasn't really been posting :P

I think we all appreciate the extra feedback :D


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