Photoshop and HSL Adjust in Vegas. Took me a while to figure out how to get what I wanted, though :/omegaevolution wrote:BTW how did you made that border? O.o XD
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I'll look into those suggestions.
This remineds me of my classmate.....Greggus1 wrote: Another possibility is we all suck, so nobody besides you and mysterious wonder boy have the ability to recognize the suckiness...
Believe me... he/she knows what he/she is talking about and the peron also said that guy´s beta is: mehAnother possibility is we all suck, so nobody besides you and mysterious wonder boy have the ability to recognize the suckiness...
That was reached.create a mood of a city
and on the other hand this wasn´t reached.inhabitants overwhelmed when facing the supernatural.
Destiny is always kicking some asses-Bauzi- wrote:fuck it I´m the bad guy again and I don´t want .-.
Alright, I do like that idea, Bauzi. I'll try it out.-Bauzi- wrote:@Danielle:
Now I have it! For the first two zoom out fades. Add a color correction or whatever.
Yeah, the more I watch it, the more I agree with you guys about the synch...I'm working on it, I promise.Scott Green wrote: @arie
00:03-00:08 Her you should probably sync more beats that are there in the song
to the rest The rest looks great espacially the colorfull boarders. The only thing that disturbed me was that you didn´t synced the drumbeats all over the beta, i think they are really standing out of the song and you should sync them....