Rendering in Premiere6.5

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Rendering in Premiere6.5

Post by Jason_T » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:35 am

Well, I began work on a vid I hadn't touched in some time. I now notice (meaning I don't believe this issue ever arose before) that when I preview the work completed so far I get to sections in a "red bar" area (which I have come to understand means unrendered) and a little "x" appears in the top left of my preview video screening area. I first thought that these unrendered areas were only above clips that I had slowed down but that's not the case. There are clips earlier in my piece that I also slowed down and they have no red bars above them, nor do they have an "x" in the preview area while the movie is playing. Not only that, but in one clip, half of the clip is green (rendered) while half is red and the only effect added was decreased rate of play for the entire clip. Any idea what I'm overlooking? Thanks in advance-

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Post by Jason_T » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:37 am

btw, when the "x" appears, it is on top of the video being shown, it does not prevent me from seeing the action

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Post by Minion » Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:05 am

to see effects in the preview window, you need to render that area.

in the timeline window, theres an empty space at the very top. double click on it.

that area should turn yellow-ish, and arrows will be on each side of the time line.

drag those arrows around the area you would like to render. now right click on that area near the top, and click "render work area"

this will render only the area you have selected. the space at the top of your timeline should turn blue, which means it's rendered. if it turns red, thats because you've changed something since the last time you rendered this area.

areas that are rendered will display effects in the preview window
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Post by Jason_T » Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:25 am

Thank you so much, that worked.

One question though, previously I had simply been pressing 'Enter' to preview the changes and I didn't notice the 'X's and red lines....this is not the same as rendering apparently? I just wonder how some of my stuff was rendered when I never right clicked and selected 'render work area', I always pressed 'Enter'. Again, thanks-


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