Be strong Jubby!!!
Replaced motherboard... very well might be the ram. I had one of mine go two weeks ago. But i was able to boot and get to the BIOS. But that was with one stick working. If all of yours are gone... then that is the likely problem. Other than that... I haven't a clue.jubjub2 wrote:.....
Here's what's going on.
Computer is dead.
New motherboard. New power supply. No video. Can't even get into the BIOS.
It doesn't even get to the point of booting. Tried it without the memory. Tried it without the hdds. Tried it with another processor and video card. Nada. We have checked the video card in other computers, and it works fine. Everything else checks out, including the processor, but still nothing.
My hubby will be taking the RAM into his office tomorrow morning to see if that might be the problem, but if it's in working order... Well, basically I'm screwed and have no editing system. (Right now I am working on a computer that the previous owners of the house left in the attic, and the memory from one can't be used in the other because of *cough* age differences.
The computer was also used for my home business, so we will do something, but it might not be in time to have this thing released by Valentines.
Since a new computer for us means ordering all of the pieces and parts, I might have to ask someone else to take this over or just postpone it until I can get a new system.
I'm hoping it's the RAM and we can get the thing running again. If anyone out there has any other ideas as to what the problem might be, please let me know.
I'm off to console the poor resident Systems Admin (he's that 24/7 these days).
I will post tomorrow and let you know the status. If anyone has read all of this...