Shadow Hearts Footage...

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Shadow Hearts Footage...

Post by Maegan » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:28 pm

I feel so horrible for asking this, but I cannot obtain Shadow Hearts footage no matter what I do. I've tried ripping the videos off of the disc but to no avail. I can't afford to spend money(stupid university tuition) the technology to plug in directly to my PS2 to copy the videos either.

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Or, if you know of a better way to get the video footage, please let me know.


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Post by Niotex » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:32 pm


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Post by Maegan » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:33 pm


Doesn't work on these games...


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Post by Niotex » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:35 pm

:? donno

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The Wired Knight
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Post by The Wired Knight » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:38 pm

The only thing I can suggest then is if your computer has a firewire port is to get a program that will allow you to capture off your camera through it. Then just connect the AV ports of your PS2 through a video adapter (these cost about five dollars) to your camera. Shadowhearts 2 and 3 have features to rewatch all the cut scenes so you can press record on your camera and the feed will go straight through it. Once you're done you can attach the camera to your computer and remove all the video.

I've done it for a number of other games and the quality isn't quite perfect but it's certainly usable.

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Post by sayde » Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:04 am

for the record, yes you can rip shadow hearts 2 and shadow hearts 3. I don't know about part 1 though. All you need for part 2 and 3 is a hex editor. I use winhex. Basically, for shadow hearts 2, your just going to be searching for a hex header value of 000001B3.

For shadow hearts 3, your going to want to search for a hex header value of 4C53444801000000. Searching for 000001B3 seems to work as well, but the previously mentioned value seems to provide more direct accurate results.

Is what I'm mentioning here mean absolutely nothing to you? Then go here. ... hp?t=32321

This post clearly explains the basic first steps you'll need to get started with searching for fmv's using a hex editor. Your basically going to follow the process mentioned there. The only difference are the values you'll be searching for since obviously, shadow hearts 2 and 3 don't have your traditional .pss headers that most scanners can locate with ease. Actually, to be more accurate, shadow hearts 2 and 3 seem to have .m2v headers as supposed to mpeg-2 headers. (which is wierd since I always looked at them as one and the same). Guess I was wrong.

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Post by sayde » Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:08 am

btw, I realize the guide makes the searching process seem painfully long and tedious, but it's not that bad since I'm basically telling you the hex values to look for and the program your supposed to use has a search function which will scan through all those lines of hex for you. The only time you really need to look through over 20 million pages of hex, is when you have absolutely no idea what the hell your supposed to look for at all hoping to find some kind of pattern.

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Post by Maegan » Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:33 pm

I'm using Winhex now... are there more than one instances of the codes? Because when I search it only gives me one...

Also, how do I save it as a .pss once i've found it?

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Post by sayde » Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:50 am

Shadow hearts 2 pic

Shadow hearts 3 pic

I would've uploaded them to photobucket, but they seem to be down at the moment, so you'll just have to download each image yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anyways, here you go. Two images for you. They should show you exactly what you want to search for as well as the exact file on both dvds you want to check. I circled everything you need to pay attention to in each pic. The link I gave you to the walkthrough on how to use winhex already explains how to save the file as a .pss near the end of the very first post. Just read step 4 more carefully. About the only thing worth telling you is that since you you don't know the footer values of the .pss files, don't worry about them. If your wondering what to use for a footer value, let that simply be the start of the next header. In other words, your .pss files should start and end with the same hex values of "000001B32001C014". That seems to be good enough.

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Post by Maegan » Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:56 am


I'm going through the hex values now.


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