Video Compression

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Video Compression

Post by OniZabuza » Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:02 pm

Hey, so I'm working on an AMV and I want to use footage from the new Naruto episode. I thought I'd make a compressed version (low qual, low file size) that's easy for my computer to handle.

When I try to use the DivX codec in VDub I have some kind of major error and it won't do it.

How would you guys suggest reducing the file size (compressing) the video? Any particular program I can get? Any codec you recommend?

So so so so sorry if this has been answered in the guides.
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Post by CrackTheSky » Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:55 pm

Are you trying to say that you've completed your video, and now you want to compres it? If so, compress it with XviD.

If I'm misunderstanding you...more info?

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Post by Up In Flamez » Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:16 am

@CracktheSky, he said hes working on an amv and wants to use certain footage.

@OniZabuza, why do you want to edit with a LQ version? compressing it with DivX wont make it easier to edit with it. If its disk space you are trying to perserve. Burn your episodes as a data disk.

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Post by Kionon » Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:49 am

Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage. Do not edit with downloaded footage.

Now that we're clear on that, you should not compress your source any more than it is already compressed. You want your source footage to be as lossless as possible while you're editing. IF YOU ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NO OTHER WAY AROUND IT, MUST USE DOWNLOADED FOOTAGE, USE HIGH QUALITY RAWS. Please do not use fansubs or there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
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Post by OniZabuza » Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:57 am

My apologies. I won't edit with downloaded footage.

The REASON I'm reducing the quality on my source files is so that my computer will have an easier time rendering effects as I edit. When I'm ready to export the full version, I will replace the LQ files with the original HQ files, and export it as loseless as possible. Does this make sense?

Anyway, still not getting any solutions... :(
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Post by OniZabuza » Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:03 am

I should have clarified by "new" I meant the latest DVD release...
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Post by CrackTheSky » Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:12 am

Reducing quality =/= faster rendering time. If anything, crappier quality will take LONGER to render, because your program will have to process all the noise and macroblocking and rainbowing and whatever other junk is in the LQ version. Also, don't edit with DivX-encoded clips, your editor will have a hard time with them, and probably won't be able to handle them at all. You should use VDubMod to convert them to a lossless codec like HuffYUV or Lagarith (emphasis on the latter, as it's the same quality as HuffYUV with smaller files).

If you don't know how to do this, study this.

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Post by Jasta85 » Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:00 am

i should probably mention the naruto raws seem to be 119 frames/second, that got me when i was trying to use it along with 24 f/s eps, was rather frustrating

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Post by Corran » Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:31 am

CrackTheSky wrote:Reducing quality =/= faster rendering time. If anything, crappier quality will take LONGER to render

reducing quality != increased processing time.

It really depends on the codec being used. For example, when I edit, I use low-quality mjpegs and swap those out later with the high quality source files for my final export. MJPEG codecs compress each and every frame in it's entirety so seeking through a file is fast and accurate, and since jpeg doesn't require much processing speed, finding good scenes and rendering betas are lightning fast. Depdning on how much diskspace you are willing to use for these, these mjpegs might not look very pretty but they get the job done.

Note for Premiere pro users, bait and switch can still be used in Pro by using changing the location of your source within your avs scripts rather than within Premiere itself.

For example (Assuming framerate, framesize, etc is the same in both scripts.):

Code: Select all

can later be changed to this without Premiere knowing any better:

Code: Select all


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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:00 pm

Jasta85 wrote:i should probably mention the naruto raws seem to be 119 frames/second, that got me when i was trying to use it along with 24 f/s eps, was rather frustrating
That's because RAW cappers think adding dummy frames to have a bigger number associated with their file will make more people grab their eps to sub with.

Though I suppose if the subbing tools are very frame accurate and there are more frames around for audio to be spread out over, karaoke might be slightly easier...

There's a tool around to correctly reduce the fps to a more manageable amount IIRC.


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