Replacing sources in premier?

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Replacing sources in premier?

Post by langrisser » Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:19 am

I started work on an AMV using a HQ mkv as the source and used VirtualDub to do a direct copy of the video from the mkv to an AVI with no audio. I have since obtained the DVDs and was wondering how i can switch the sources without reworking my AMV.

My first thought was to make a lossless avi then offline the old source and link the new avis. I'll might have to do some work to make sure the new avis are synced but that's better then redoing the amv.

I'm not sure if i can use the DVD directly as a source because i have clips from 3 DVD and i have no idea how to deal with that come time to export the video

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Post by Kariudo » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:02 pm

I'm not sure if premiere can handle vobs...but you wouldn't want it to anyway (premiere's deinterlacing leaves a lot to be desired)

look at the how-to-guides for help on using dvd footage (Read <a href=>ErMaC & AbsoluteDestiny's Friendly AMV Guides</a>, it's a very good guide)

other than that, your method should work


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