Question about Premiere effects.

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Question about Premiere effects.

Post by kiaraiskiara » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:48 pm

I'm looking for certian effects in a program, and I was wondering if one of you could answer me a question or two.

Is there effect in Premiere to rapidly flash a few frames, sort of like in a strobe/skip effect, or let me effectivly accomplish it on my own? Will Premiere let me have a section of footage play backwards, in sort of a rewind?
Do you know of any program that will allow me to do so? It doesn't work out well enough for me in Windows Movie maker. : P

Thank you for your help and your time! x3
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Post by BauziOLD » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:57 pm

Bring it on! ...

"Is there effect in Premiere to rapidly flash a few frames, sort of like in a strobe/skip effect, or let me effectivly accomplish it on my own?"

Yes, yes. There is a effect called strobe light that will do that for you in a constand period of time you set. It´s an effect for a clip.
I recommend it to do it on your one with a white picture. That gives you more flexibility.

"Will Premiere let me have a section of footage play backwards, in sort of a rewind? "
Right click on the clip in the timeline. "Speed/Duration" --> Reverse Speed

Reverse speed can nearly every programm. Strobe light not. But it is no problems when you have a programm that allows you to work with multiple layers for clips.

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Post by kiaraiskiara » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:06 pm

xD Ah! You are amazing! Thank you!

Might be a good idea for me to look into Premiere...

Thank you again! x3
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Post by kiaraiskiara » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:13 pm

Oh, wait one moment, what version has those options?
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Post by BauziOLD » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:17 pm

kiaraiskiara wrote:xD Ah! You are amazing! Thank you!

Might be a good idea for me to look into Premiere...

Thank you again! x3
Yes I am =P
Oh, wait one moment, what version has those options?
I have Pro 1.5 I don´t know which versions have those effects too. Reverse Speed should be in everyone.

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Post by kiaraiskiara » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:20 pm

Ah! Thank you! x3 Very important to know on such an invertment.
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