I MUST get this Girls Bravo amv done but my stupid premiere 6.5 AND pro 2.0[not my beloved computer, which I tortured via stability checks through Prime95] obviously won't let me.
Is it actually possible to 'overedit' to a degree where the program simply falls through? I'm only trying to use virtual clips inside themselves and am not going anywhere NEAR the complexity I did with my Together amv and yet both versions of Premiere insist on running out of system memory and crashing...
What gives?
I've been pondering redoing this project from scratch. Something I've NEVER done or ever wanted to do before in an amv. [importing from 6.5 to Pro 2.0 seems to have compounded my frustrations]
So what would my 'fans' suggest? [people who want to help who don't hate me or my padded ego... lol

Shall I just scrap my project file? [sob] and restart with a simpler objective in mind? [less cuts, less edits to 'save' the comp from fucking itself]
Or just toil at searching and asking questions in order to get what I've got now finished in its 'true' form and not dumbed down so my stupid prog can 'take it'...?
There's also option 3, just quit making amvs altogether and simply ask people to edit for me... [yeah, like anyone would love to edit at my request lol]