Oi, et pas pour nous en Ontario?p0d wrote:La solution miracle, c'est de faire un AMV sur Garou mais chut c'est un secret qui ne doit pas être dévoiler au grand jour, c'est pour cela que je l'écris en français rien que pour toi ô ami Québecois.
But yeah, I think the general criteria 'make a damn good video' is fairly obviously the best way to become 'popular', unfortunately, there are dozens of really slick videos that will get passed over because people won't announce them, or they won't be downloaded simply because that name recognition isn't there. Take a horribly effective comparison, when M$ releases Halo 3, there's going to be thousands buying it just because the series has been successful thus far, the game could end up being total shit, but people will be too rushed to 'acquire the next epic' to take the time and judge the game critically as they would some no-name. In my opinion, it's really a combination of luck, skill and getting your name out, and as it's been pointed out many times, conventions.