I lov hxh it's my fave anime since I was young nd I still lyk it!!!!!!!!!!!It's got evrything!!!!!!!!!!!!well it dsnt hav romance in it dat's d only thng I h8 bwt it but on d whole I luv it lyk seriously I wud rilly recommend it.My fave character is killua bcos he's strong nd smart nd well...ehh except for the fact dat he kills ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh nd he's a true frend as well
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it's real gud
but it's kinda complicated to download it but if u hav any questions ask me kk
nd I'll b more dan happy to answer alri
hunterxhunter is soooo amazing
- Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:43 pm
hunterxhunter is soooo amazing
hmm wel I'm....ehh just mahself
- Cornwiggle
- Joined: Sat May 10, 2003 2:59 pm
- Location: Lost Ground
- wurpess
- rabid fangirl
- Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:44 pm
- Status: BLAAAARGH!!!!! -_-
- Location: The happy place in my head
That and reading the forum rules and stickies is never a bad idea.
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