Downloading Anime

HFZ Media
Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:45 pm
Location: my bedroom
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Downloading Anime

Post by HFZ Media » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:59 pm

I know it says this is highly looked down upon and that I shouldn't use it in my amv but I was wondering if anyone knows where a good place to download anime from is. I've tried [x, y, & z] but it is still a no-go. The problem is that I need to download naruto withOUT subtitles. That doesn't sound hard but it is.

Anyway, I'm expecting a mod to probably reply to this post with something like, "You shouldn't be downloading it." "Go out and buy your own, ya hippie!" or "Down with mp3's and downloaded videos!"
But there is nothing I can do. I'm sorry if this whole topic is lame but I have an idea for an amv and it hasn't been done before!


Somebody please help me!

[MOD9: Go out and buy your own, ya hippie! And reread the org <a href="">Forum Rules</a>]


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