YouTube AMVs a Question about adding creidits

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YouTube AMVs a Question about adding creidits

Post by MawTheKiller » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:49 am

Now I understand that here at AMV that there is a standerd and other such things. Now my only experience making or seeing before coming to this site was on You Tube. Now I have seen alot of AMVs just placed up there without credits. Meaning they don't credit the Anime it is attached to as well as when someone just stealing AMVs. Now is it a bad thing to add credits to the AMV and simply post it on one site or another? The reason I'm asking is I saw an AMV on You Tube that was Feather of a crow by Pianos. I didn't know what it was attached to whatever. Now after seeing it here as well on YouTube would it be a bad thing to add it to video sites that currently have the video and add the credits to it so people can actually know who's work put it up. I ask for I am thinking of simply placing up that AMV edited to say it was done by such and such on since it is already up on You Tube without credits. That way the people on YouTube could still see it an not think it was created by someone who didn't create it. I figure placing a post here about it since this seems to be the place to talk about general AMV topics as well as other random comuniactions about AMVs. I figure I would put this out to the genral people of since I don't think that this is the first or last time an uncredited AMV was placed on You Tube or any other video playing site. Anyways this is my thought on how to combat that problem and figure I would place it here for disucusions since I need an opion on this before I do anything.
<a href=" ... p?t=207381" target="_blank"><img src=" ... AMVSig.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

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Post by Szwagier » Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:06 am

1. If someone really want to to take credits he will easily cut the credits out. And putting the watermark will ruin the vid.
2. This topic was discussed here many times already, so i will summarize what was the conclusion: "We don't care what's going on on youtube"

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Re: boochsack AMVs a Question about adding creidits

Post by JaddziaDax » Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:23 am

MawTheKiller wrote: I ask for I am thinking of simply placing up that AMV edited to say it was done by such and such on since it is already up on You Tube without credits. That way the people on boochsack could still see it an not think it was created by someone who didn't create it.
placing credits in an amv is up to the amv editor imo... i dont like when people "modify" any video weather or not its to credit the original creator or not... if the original creator wanted those credits in their video they would have done so themselves...

if you still want to do it you should ask the creator on an individual basis, just like some creators (like me) dont care if other people upload their videos, other creators have been overly pissed off at the idea...

(though I put my own credits in my video files, i would hate it if someone modified my file)

ALSO: you can just as easily put it in the comments section that the tube provides for you... but the truth is even with credits in the video AND in the comments people wont pay attention to either and assume the uploader is the creator, or still ask "hey what was that anime/songartist/songtitle??"



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