Post Processing Question....

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Post Processing Question....

Post by OhmGautama » Sun May 06, 2007 9:37 am

I am at the part of post processing the AMV with my lossless encode (removing interlacing, improving visual quality etc). When I made my AMV I deinterlaced before I began editing with it. Now that I have exported a lossless encode of it, do I need to deinterlace it again? He says in the beginning of "removing interlacing",

"If you happened to edit your video interlaced, you will definitely want to remove this interlacing before encoding it for the internet".

But then later on after the improving visual quality section he says

"You should have an avisynth script with a filter chain something like this:

AVISource - importing your amv
ConvertToYV12() for filter compatibility if you have an rgb or YUY2 source
IVTC or Deinterlacer
Smoother (Deen, msmooth or similar)
Temporal Smoother (fluxsmooth, temporalcleaner etc)
Sharpener (msharpen, mftoon, ssxharpen etc)"

So if I have previously deinterlaced before editing in Adobe, do I need to deinterlace again before compressing it? Thanks!

Sorry for all the questions :oops:
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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sun May 06, 2007 10:25 am

You can choose to do things other than the way the guide says to do them... that's why the line you quoted starts with the word if. That if is really an "if and only if."

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Post by lister007 » Sun May 06, 2007 12:53 pm

ok so since you deinterlaced it you have edited it premeire, and now you want to export it? or has it already been exported, if the later did you export it with or without audio?
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Re: Post Processing Question....

Post by Scintilla » Sun May 06, 2007 1:06 pm

RathiSponge wrote:So if I have previously deinterlaced before editing in Adobe, do I need to deinterlace again before compressing it?

That "IVTC or Deinterlacer" line really should say after it "(if not already done before editing)". Oslt.
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Post by lister007 » Sun May 06, 2007 2:15 pm


That "IVTC or Deinterlacer" line really should say after it "(if not already done before editing)". Oslt.

Exactly, the only instance I would even consider doing it again is if you have interlaced on an export and not synced to any audio (remember there are downsides to deinterlacing). Personally I still wouldn't do it unless there were lines or artifacts, and then I would go back to the original export....not post export if that makes sense....thats why the encoder in premeire sucks and you could set up a frame server:)
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Post by Scintilla » Sun May 06, 2007 5:31 pm

lister007 wrote:Exactly, the only instance I would even consider doing it again is if you have interlaced on an export and not synced to any audio (remember there are downsides to deinterlacing).
... what? If you removed interlacing before editing, why would you be exporting interlaced?
And what does audio have to do with it? Deinterlacing doesn't affect A/V sync.
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Post by OhmGautama » Sun May 06, 2007 7:37 pm

Thanks for replies all! :D
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