Where: #amv-review server irc.zirc.org (web client)
When: Every Monday, 21:00 EDT (9pm) DL @ 20:30 EDT (8pm)
We are looking for 1 additional judge to pick the week's video. Judges are chosen based on constructive video submissions for the amv-review (pm me or email at quadir@animemusicvideos.org)
This week's video:
Link: (Det-chan) - 2007 - Wild Dances
Editor: (Det-chan)
Category: Dance
Anime: Kaleido Star [Spoilers]
Song: Ruslana - Wild Dances
Please don't feel you need to read the irc log before jumping into the discussion here!
IRC Log of discussion (see first reply for Quadir's Highlights):
Participants: CrackTheSky (Ben Sobotka), godix, G_Q (GloryQuestor - John Wendel), jonnkakarotto (Jim Morrison), Orwell, Otohiko, quadir (Olivier Beaton), Aimaime (sub0 - Ben)
Bonus Video:Edited IRC Log wrote:20:09 <Aimaime> when this start?? 1 hour??
20:11 <godix> at 8:30 we start downloading. At 8:40 we wonder why we bothered to download. At 8:45 we start insulting the video. At 8:46 quadir tells us to wait till 9. At 9 we start insulting the video again.
20:11 <CrackTheSky> lol
20:12 <Aimaime> :D
20:32 <quadir> I'd like to thank everyone who submitted videos, from their own to other's they thought worth discussion. It was a 4-way fight this week and Det-chan's "Wild Dances" got picked. Please note that there is a bonus vid after the discussion that may be intersting in itself.
20:33 <quadir> Video: (Det-chan) - 2007 - Wild Dances
20:33 <quadir> Editor: (Det-chan)
20:33 <quadir> Category: Dance
20:33 <quadir> Anime: Kaleido Star [Spoilers]
20:33 <quadir> Song: Ruslana - Wild Dances
20:33 <godix> Aww, no penis?
20:33 <quadir> godix: it got serious consideration like all the others
20:33 <Kit> godix: probably because Penis got plenty of attention
20:34 <godix> Wow, I actually already downloaded it. That saves some time.
<strike>20:34 <Aimaime> k I'm gonna say alot of stupid things tonite. do me a favor and take them all out lol</strike>
20:34 <Kit> hmm, a Syntax Error video
20:34 <Kit> I don't think I've seen anything by them except guy07
20:35 <CrackTheSky> Kaxi has some sweet videos too
20:36 <Kit> heh, don't think I've seen any of Kaxi's stuff, but I've heard his name quite a bit
20:36 <orwell> scan lines, quality
20:40 -!- jonnkakarotto has joined #amv-review
20:46 <godix> Ok. it's 8:45. Time to start insulting the video until quadir tells us to shut up for another 15 minutes. Who wants to start?
20:46 <quadir> wait till 9
20:47 <CrackTheSky> Well that was quick
20:47 <godix> damn he's quick. Didn't ever get started.
20:47 <Aimaime> aaaaaw snap, -5 points for that ffac scene ^_^ j/k
20:49 <jonnkakarotto> oh snap
20:49 <orwell> -50 for FFAC
20:49 <jonnkakarotto> -10 for newbism, on my part at least
20:51 <Aimaime> -20 points cuz megaupload forwarded me to a porn site
20:51 <Aimaime> and it sucked
20:51 <jonnkakarotto> lawl
20:54 -!- Otohiko has joined #amv-review
20:54 <Otohiko> ...did I miss it?
20:54 <quadir> Otohiko: nope!
20:55 <Otohiko> ah, that's a fairly new vid that I missed for some reason
20:56 <Otohiko> on the other hand, it's eastern european pop music
20:57 <Otohiko> that might mean that a) I either appreciate it in a different way; b) I hate it with a passion
20:57 <Otohiko> both of which would result in different but interesting responses
20:58 <orwell> B, definitely B
20:58 -!- Fire_Starter has joined #amv-review
20:58 <orwell> It's pink bullshit from head to the tail
20:59 <Fire_Starter> hrmm...its an mp4....my hopes for a good amv are higher now
21:00 <godix> fs: Don't get your hopes up. You'll just be all that more crushed when you see it.
21:00 <quadir> godix: I have a nice .mov 17mb amv from 1999 using concept art stills if you like to lower your expectations first
21:01 <Otohiko> ...
21:01 <Otohiko> what the hell is up with that divx logo thing
21:02 <Otohiko> oh wow
21:02 <godix> quadir: After being part of this every week since you started it is now impossible to lower my expectations. You could link to Iraq beheading videos done to Don't Worry Be Happy and my reaction would be 'wow, slightly better than he usually provides'
21:02 <quadir> godix: I'm not the only judge :)
21:05 <Aimaime> if anybody scores this audio higher than a 7 I will RAPE them >.>
21:05 * Kit|deutschingitup gives it a ten
21:05 <CrackTheSky> Yeah, I noticed that too :|
21:05 <CrackTheSky> I gave it a 7
21:05 <quadir> haha I scored it 8, but for different reasons
21:05 * Aimaime|newb is scared of deutshpings....
21:06 <Aimaime> well... 8 is ok lol
21:06 <Otohiko> haha
21:07 <Otohiko> yea, the audio does deserve a serious markdown
21:07 * G_Q gave it an 8/10
21:07 <quadir> the audio passed the Quadir Audio Test
21:08 <G_Q> I've seen quite a few KS vids. That one definitely stands out close to the top of the list.
21:08 <quadir> which was to turn up my speakers really loud and see if I can still make out the tune, which I was it didn't go all fuzzy/blurred together
21:08 -!- Kit|deutschingitup has quit [Ping timeout]
21:08 <Aimaime> well I like the song, just can't stand the drum beats
21:08 <quadir> nevermind that it was a bit fuzzy to begin with, but it didn't get much worse
21:08 <CrackTheSky> It was a great video...just terribly cliche in terms of Kaleido Star
21:08 <quadir> I did nail the vid on originality
21:08 * G_Q did also.
21:08 <CrackTheSky> So did I
21:08 <quadir> kaleido star just seems made for 'dance' or 'fun'
21:09 <quadir> and another video last week proved you can do something interesting with it
21:09 <Otohiko> well it's true of a lot of series
21:09 <CrackTheSky> True
21:09 <quadir> it is?
21:09 <CrackTheSky> But some of the greatest videos are the ones that take a series and do something no one else would have thought of
21:09 <godix> Ok, question, WTF is up with the star trek communicator cutout effect? Seriously, what the fuck?
21:10 <CrackTheSky> It's a stock effect in Vegas
21:10 <Otohiko> that'd explain it
21:10 <godix> Vegas ripping off star trek? Those bastards.
21:10 <CrackTheSky> One of the default cookie cutter shapes
21:10 <Aimaime> lol
21:10 <G_Q> Then you have ... the credits.
21:10 <G_Q> -_-;
21:10 <Otohiko> yes
21:10 <Otohiko> what the hell
21:10 <quadir> I didn't really get those :(
21:10 <CrackTheSky> They made me laugh
21:11 <Otohiko> though I'm not sure if I should put them down as bad or good
21:11 <Aimaime> lol now that you mention it that text looks AWEFULL lol
21:11 <quadir> I've actually been trying to see if I can see a story in this vid
21:11 <Aimaime> let's dis him on his credits lol
21:11 <Otohiko> I don't think I can
21:11 <CrackTheSky> For the first half, maybe
21:11 <G_Q> It was touched by The Hand of Guy!
21:11 <godix> For doing those credits I think he should be straped to a chair and forced to watch his own credits. You can collect his brain as it drips out of his ears then force him to drink it. Maybe that'll teach him to not do that again.
21:11 <Otohiko> I wrote that bit in my op
21:11 <quadir> so far the start seems to be a contest between the two girls
21:11 <Otohiko> there is some consistency here and there
21:11 <CrackTheSky> Then the video breaks down into random scenes of people performing
21:11 <quadir> he keeps doing 'shot of 1 girl doing stuff', 'shot of blond girl doing stuff'
21:11 <Otohiko> and the scene choices make sense as far as sync
21:11 <quadir> alternating
21:12 <quadir> until about 1/2 way through the video
21:12 <Otohiko> but I don't think there was that much effort to tie it together as a story
21:12 <godix> quadir: He tried for a story. He failed.
21:12 <G_Q> quadir: The rivalries.
21:12 <quadir> G_Q: yeah...
21:12 <Otohiko> nor any effort to pull a non-linear sort of video
21:12 <quadir> and the final shot in the video made me think I missed some kind of story there
21:12 <Otohiko> more or less just a dance video
21:12 <G_Q> godix: I believe that upbeat vids shouldn't have a story. :|
21:12 <quadir> with the 6 character piano keys
21:12 <CrackTheSky> I didn't really miss the story though
21:12 <Otohiko> also perhaps it's aimed at the series' fans
21:12 <G_Q> They can try, but then it goes more into action/drama, action/romance, etc.
21:12 <CrackTheSky> WOulda been nice, but I think the video works fine without one
21:13 <quadir> btw, it is downloaded footage
21:13 <Otohiko> well, let's face it...
21:13 <quadir> he confirms it
21:13 <quadir> in an op-reply
21:13 <CrackTheSky> She
21:13 <quadir> she
21:13 <quadir> blah
21:13 <Otohiko> concept-wise, it's nothing to write home about...
21:13 <quadir> it
21:13 <Otohiko> but the execution's darn solid
21:14 <quadir> the start shot with the plane and looking down to the big top is probably my favorite moment
21:14 <Aimaime> holy crap sKy how do you write so fast, I'm like Godix' op
21:14 <quadir> well that and the pumpkin blowing up with the beat
21:14 <Otohiko> there was a bunch of moments I was pretty impressed with, yea
21:14 <CrackTheSky> I'd been writing that op since 7:00 my time
21:14 <Aimaime> yeah the start is cool
21:14 <Otohiko> I guess it owes part of it to the really nice footage, but there was a lot of cool sync moments
21:15 <Aimaime> speed kills
21:15 <jonnkakarotto> indeed. I enjoyed the start
21:15 <CrackTheSky> I wish she had saturated the colors more
21:15 <G_Q> The 2nd season rivalry parts in the last half were good.
21:15 <Otohiko> I think the overlay bits were also used pretty nicely
21:15 <quadir> so is there a rivalries story to be had?
21:15 <godix> There. I updated my op now that I got food.
21:15 <Otohiko> in the series, sure
21:15 <quadir> oooh someone who's seen the series!
21:15 <G_Q> Only the first eps of each season.
21:15 <quadir> I saw the rivalry in the beginning half of the video with the blond girl
21:15 * G_Q collects NewType USA.
21:16 <Otohiko> (I've only seen bits of it, I think Jasper will eventually force me to watch the rest of it though)
21:16 * jonnkakarotto hasn't seen a single episode
21:16 <godix> GQ: I wasn't saying he needed a story. I said he was trying for one and failed. Personally I think he shouldn't have bothered. Trying kinda bogged down the start.
21:16 <CrackTheSky> She says that it's supposed to be about the girl joining the circus, or whatever
21:16 <CrackTheSky> Which worked for about half the video
21:16 <G_Q> godix: I do agree.
21:16 <Otohiko> but again, could it really just throw in clips of dancing without some sort of intro?
21:17 <Otohiko> I think the beginning does a nice job just leading into the video
21:17 <Otohiko> and not neccesarily a story
21:17 <G_Q> Actually, I saw another KS vid recently that was also a great upbeat vid.
21:17 <quadir> G_Q: well last week there was a character profile KS vid that was pretty good
21:17 <godix> Otohiko: With a dance video? Sure you can. Depends on the music of course. If the music has a slowish buildup then do a slowish intro. If the music starts off pretty much upbeat then start the video pretty much upbeat. Which he(she?) didn't.
21:18 <CrackTheSky> Yeah, I think I know which one you're talking about
21:18 <Otohiko> godix: I'm not saying you can't
21:18 <Otohiko> I'm just saying it doesn't always need to
21:18 <Otohiko> not that a sort of inconsistency with the handling of story here isn't a minus of course
21:18 <Otohiko> but not a big one
21:18 <quadir> I just wish the rivalries would be more obvious past the 1:30 mark
21:19 <quadir> but the editing stays solid throughout
21:19 <Otohiko> the visual consistency would be more important here, and I think it does a pretty good job with that here
21:19 <jonnkakarotto> yeah, I got confused right about there
21:19 <godix> I have no problem with the start until around :16 or so. Nice slow pans to go with the intro. Then around :16 I'm watching her walk into a room when I should be watching her dance.
21:19 <Otohiko> honestly, I wasn't thinking much about any sort of story
21:19 <quadir> so it's not like she gave up on her concept or whatever
21:19 <G_Q> She just should have stuck in one season, me thinks.
21:20 <Aimaime> honestly I was just thinkin' W~E~E~D
21:20 <Otohiko> haha
21:20 <Aimaime> and the credits just goes to prove
21:20 <jonnkakarotto> G_Q: it may have been beneficial, especially for those of us that haven't seen the series at all
21:20 <godix> I think something the story or concept can be nothing more than 'look at these people dance around'. She started off trying to do slightly more than that which is where the problem is.
21:21 <Otohiko> anyway, I think we're focusing a little too much on a concept for the video that obviously didn't focus much on one
21:21 <CrackTheSky> godix: I agree
21:21 <godix> the pumpkin at 1:30 or so was nice.
21:21 <Aimaime> most videos die off at some point
21:21 <orwell> I thought the editing itself kinda dipped once we got past the rivalries bit, beyond that, up until the last 10 seconds or so before that awful exit bit, it was rather... lacklust to say the least
21:21 <CrackTheSky> Yeah it was
21:21 <Otohiko> hmm?
21:21 <orwell> lackluster
21:21 <Otohiko> I personally can't say anything really bad about the editing
21:21 <quadir> neither can I
21:21 <orwell> it hit right on, and then around...
21:21 <Otohiko> in fact I was really impressed
21:21 <CrackTheSky> The video had a really solid flow
21:22 <Otohiko> if you guys didn't start the discussion without me...
21:22 <quadir> I liked all the editing, thought it was strong all the way through
21:22 <quadir> it gave me a headache though cause it was always BOOM BOOM BOOM in my face and didn't let up at all
21:22 <Aimaime> we're nitpicking here, oto, get with the program
21:22 <Otohiko> I would've started right with "I really hate Eurovision and I really liked this video, or at least the execution"
21:22 <godix> I think when she tries to do internal sync it works out rather well. When she pulls out the effect syncs it just looks cheap, tacky, and basically nothing more than a game of 'name the stock effect!'
21:22 <orwell> the editing works through the whole way, I just feel like there's so much more that could have been happening to really draw you in
21:22 <Otohiko> I think it actually has a really good mix of both internal and... non-internal
21:23 <CrackTheSky> External?
21:23 <Otohiko> both the cuts/transitions and the overlay bits worked out great
21:23 <quadir> godix: well I dunno, I didn't mind the cheese effects in a dance video
21:23 <Otohiko> heh, and uh.. given the nature of the series
21:23 <quadir> godix: I spotted great internal sync but it also lacked oomph
21:23 <godix> quadir: I'm not complaing about effects being in a dance video. I'm complaining about WHICH effects she used in her dance video.
21:23 <Otohiko> I think this series itself is 90% cheese, and mostly in a good kind of way
21:23 <CrackTheSky> I really liked the effect at 1:48
21:23 <quadir> godix: maybe cowboy bebop's pumpkin explosion ruined me, but on the huge blowup I expect a more solid sync
21:23 <Otohiko> as is this video
21:24 <quadir> CrackTheSky: oh yeah
21:24 <Otohiko> but geez, someone kill that outro
21:24 <quadir> was the dizzy when on the tightrope in the anime?
21:24 <godix> I just have this thing against effects that look like 'I clicked a single button and now my effect is done'
21:25 <orwell> fly a kite into it
21:25 <CrackTheSky> quadir: I'm pretty sure it wasn't
21:25 <Otohiko> the look of it suggests faked motion
21:25 <quadir> 2:35 somehow struck me as good, especially with the slow scene right after it
21:25 <quadir> it really fit anyways
21:25 <quadir> the faked motion
21:25 <Otohiko> yea
21:25 <Otohiko> I'm certainly not complaining
21:26 <godix> I also thought it was too long. People need to learn how to cut down the audio. I'd worry that I had ADHD except I can watch Wasteland in it's entirety and not even notice how long it is.
21:26 <Otohiko> really?
21:27 <Otohiko> I didn't think it was long at all
21:27 <jonnkakarotto> wasteland?
21:27 <Otohiko> in fact, the only thing too long was the outro
21:27 <quadir> I mentioned above I found it long, I had a headache after half of it
21:27 <jonnkakarotto> oto: yeah. Outro kills it
21:27 <G_Q> godix: The length seemed about right.
21:27 <godix> jonnkakarotto: A 7 minute or so mood video.
21:27 <CrackTheSky> Yeah I didn't think it was long at all :/
21:27 <jonnkakarotto> ah.
21:27 <Otohiko> jonnkakarotto: ...my video, no less :-P
21:27 * jonnkakarotto looks fo rit
21:27 <quadir> solid all the way through but that doens't mean I need that much in my face beats
21:27 <godix> Maybe I just need more than women dancing around on a tightrope to keep me interested.
21:27 <jonnkakarotto> for it*
21:27 <Otohiko> I think 3 minutes is kind of on the medium-low length end of the action/dance scale
21:28 <Otohiko> though
21:28 <Otohiko> I guess I can see where the lack of a clear story/concept would make it seem longer than it should be
21:28 <Aimaime> I liked the blur effects
21:28 <quadir> there are almost no slow moments in this song at all
21:28 <godix> Most dance videos that are generally considered good tend to be rather short. Except MEPs of course.
21:28 <quadir> it's like a frikken Polka song
21:29 <Otohiko> quadir: which is in some ways a minus, because there's not as much variation as there could've been
21:29 <Otohiko> and ah, it's modeled loosely on traditional ukranian dance music
21:29 <godix> My wife worries me. She just said she likes the song.
21:29 <jonnkakarotto> lol
21:29 <jonnkakarotto> actually
21:29 <jonnkakarotto> now that you mention it, I kinda got into it too
21:29 <Aimaime> aahk and the avi's only 10 megs bigger than the mp4!! shoulda' uploaded the avi
21:30 <quadir> I like the song I just couldn't take it
21:30 <CrackTheSky> I like the song a lot :|
21:30 <Otohiko> I think this song justifies a video
21:30 <godix> Aimaime|newb: In case you didn't read my modified op:
21:30 <godix> Audio - To quote from IRC: "<Aimaime> if anybody scores this audio higher than a 7 I will RAPE them" I kinda like a nice rape now and then so here's your 10.
21:30 * Aimaime|newb is the only person on the planet that hates mp4s
21:30 <orwell> I haet the song. If your gonna do something this... loaded with energy, then cut it down
21:30 <orwell> mix in something slower, or just make a shorter video
21:30 <quadir> anyways, I wasn't sure how a dance vid would go over... people care to recap their pro/con before we do the bonus vid?
21:30 <Otohiko> well, I think you know what my view of Ukranian pop stars may be, but despite that - the execution is just good
21:30 * Aimaime|newb stares at Godix.....
21:30 <Otohiko> con: AUDIO
21:31 * G_Q decides to watch another KS dance vid.
21:31 <quadir> I liked the vid in all, I liked the internal sync and saw some attempt at story, I didn't like the last 1/3 of the video because I had been numbed by then
21:31 <Aimaime> smash godix with my fingers... lol
21:31 <godix> I like dance videos. Probably my favorite genre expect, perhaps, comedy. This one just didn't do it to me. Too long and too many stock effects. The editor has a good grasp of basic timing and some nice internal sync though so not a total waste.
21:31 <jonnkakarotto> I'm gonna have to side with godix on the audio side of it
21:31 <Otohiko> I really liked the execution, again - hate Eurovision, love the video editing-wise
21:31 <Otohiko> really can't say much about the concept
21:32 <Otohiko> but I don't think the video made any focus or effort on that
21:32 <G_Q> Good video, overall, with great sync.
21:32 <Otohiko> which is not good but not a big point against this type of video
21:32 <G_Q> The ending did kill the mood, though -_-;
21:32 <G_Q> (The FFAC one, not the KS)
21:32 <Otohiko> yep, god, that ending is...
21:32 <Otohiko> then again
21:32 <Otohiko> I really don't know what to think of that ending
21:33 <godix> I'd suggest that if anyone is going to keep this that they edit the ending out and re-encode. Video quality will take a hit but it wasn't that great anyway and it's worth it to lose the credits.
21:33 <Otohiko> cheers on the editing
21:33 <Aimaime> everybody heard the ed right?? cuz it's soft
Link: Studio Gaijin's - 2003 - Anger Management (download; right click, save as)
Editor: (Kazz), Gina Gcat (Silvercat), (Spyral)
Category: Character Profile
Anime: Perfect Blue [Spoilers]
Song: Lovage [Nathaniel Merriweather] - Anger Management
Tags: [Medium Nudity] [Strong Violence] [Sexual Violence]
If you want to discuss this video, please clearly indicate BONUS video in your post
IRC Log of discussion (see first reply for Quadir's Highlights):
Participants: CrackTheSky (Ben Sobotka), godix, G_Q (GloryQuestor - John Wendel), jonnkakarotto (Jim Morrison), Orwell, Otohiko, quadir (Olivier Beaton)
FAQ:Edited IRC Log wrote:21:34 <quadir> Video: Studio Gaijin's - 2003 - Anger Management
21:34 <quadir> Editor: (Kazz), Gina Gcat (Silvercat), (Spyral)
21:34 <quadir> Category: Character Profile
21:34 <quadir> Anime: Perfect Blue [Spoilers]
21:34 <quadir> Song: Lovage [Nathaniel Merriweather] - Anger Management
21:34 <quadir> Tags: [Medium Nudity] [Strong Violence] [Sexual Violence]
21:34 <godix> Ah, nice bonus video
21:34 * G_Q thinks you should have follow up with another KS dance vid.
21:34 <jonnkakarotto> are we going with the salsa scale on nudity?
21:35 <G_Q> (okay, maybe not)
21:35 <quadir> nah we did the double mahoro last week
21:35 <quadir> if I followed up a dance vid I'd have linked odoriku
21:35 <quadir> or maybe bigbigtruck's comedy of it
21:35 <godix> although I'd only suggest the bonus video be seen by people who have seen and liked Perfect Blue.
21:36 <quadir> godix: I would disagree
21:36 <quadir> godix: I didn't like perfect blue, and I really liked this video
21:36 <godix> Ok. maybe just people who've seen it then. I definately think you should see perfect blue before seeing Anger Management.
21:36 <quadir> godix: the editing is pretty awesome though
21:37 <quadir> godix: it has a coherant story too
21:37 <Otohiko> so should I stop watching it?..
21:37 <quadir> Otohiko: nah
21:37 <Otohiko> ...haven't seen perfect blue yet
21:37 <godix> otohiko: Only if you wanna get spoiled.
21:37 <CrackTheSky> Me either
21:37 <Otohiko> hmm
21:37 <quadir> Otohiko: the video IMO stands on it's own
21:37 <G_Q> Oto: O_O
21:37 <G_Q> Crack: O_O
21:37 <Otohiko> I think I've been spoiled enough by other videos to it though
21:37 * jonnkakarotto hasn't seen perfect blue either
21:37 <quadir> yeah
21:37 <CrackTheSky> I don't really care though, I know the basic plot
21:37 <quadir> I can't count the number of perfect blue vids I saw before seeing the movie
21:38 * jonnkakarotto has gathered from one of the AMV Hells that the chick gets raped.
21:38 <godix> True, but most PB videos don't show the identify of the idol mimi.
21:38 <Otohiko> how old is the video, by the way?
21:38 <quadir> Anger Management and Love is Flowers are probably my favorite videos which use panes
21:38 <godix> Otohiko: I've had it at least a couple years now.
21:38 <quadir> Otohiko: 2003
21:38 <Otohiko> ...oh
21:39 <quadir> the direct link for that whole studio's vids are all dead
21:39 <quadir> and all their vids are pretty good
21:39 <quadir> my least favorite part is the 3:45 'floating scenes'
21:40 <quadir> but it redems itself around the 4:00 mark
21:40 <orwell> I liked the running scene, about 2:15 to 2:55 or so
21:40 <quadir> the white outline warping is awesome too
21:40 <quadir> orwell: where the scenes are playing on the walls?
21:41 <orwell> yeah, that's part of it
21:41 <godix> overall I like anger management, I got it a couple years ago and have kept it, but some of it's effects were rather 'ok, that's enough. Stop already'. Especially the find edges stuff.
21:41 <Otohiko> wow
21:41 <orwell> the floating scenes were nice at times for a little while, but overall I thought it was too excessive
21:41 <Otohiko> really nice video
21:42 <orwell> I liked the scene in the bathtub...
21:42 <quadir> a lot of those effects are considered overdone now
21:42 <orwell> 4:10 or so
21:42 <quadir> but in 2003 it wasn't at all
21:42 <quadir> and they are really well done at that
21:42 <orwell> well, it's not that the effects are overdone all over the place to me, each video is it's own, it's just that they're over done in this video
21:43 <Otohiko> I'm pretty impressed with the use of effects overall
21:43 <quadir> the running at 3:30+ is awesome
21:43 <Otohiko> don't think I'd mark them down as in any way excessive, or at least unproductive
21:43 <CrackTheSky> Very original
21:43 <CrackTheSky> Effects-wise
21:43 <quadir> it's like AD's FLCL video where he goes colour cycling
21:43 <orwell> just as note, spicy chicken did NOT help the first video
21:43 <quadir> but perfectly for perfect blue
21:44 <godix> Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the effects were bad. Overall I liked them. Just some of them were over the top for me.
21:44 <Otohiko> I could see that
21:44 <Otohiko> don't have a problem with them, myself
21:44 <Otohiko> good creepy presentation
21:45 <Otohiko> the video quality's a little... ehhh, even for 2003
21:45 <Otohiko> but the visuals themselves are really something
21:45 <quadir> it seem overfiltered
21:45 <orwell> what did they do to the colors in it? raise saturation and lower light?
21:45 <CrackTheSky> Wow
21:45 <CrackTheSky> I really liked it
21:45 <godix> The video does matter in one important respect, it's better done than my own Perfect Blue video so I gotta give it props for that.
21:46 <godix> orwell: Looks like contrast adjustsments to me in most spots.
21:46 <CrackTheSky> Probably the best PB video I've seen, though I haven't seen many
Q: Can I still participate in the discussion?
A: Yeah just post here. If you're uber nice you can even op the video.
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A: No.
Q: When's the next one?
A: We'll be doing this every week, Monday's at 9pm EDT with a new video every week.
Q: Can I please suggest a video for next week?
A: Yes! We really want suggestions so if you have a vid (even if it's not yours) pm me or email quadir@animemusicvideos.org don't post em in the thread.
Q: Can I be a judge to pick this week's vid?
A: Judges are chosen based on who makes constructive video submission and participates every week, when we need one.
Q: Can I use #amv-review to talk amv's at other times?
A: Absolutely. Lurk away in #amv-review and talk about amv's.
Q: Gimme the archive yo!
A: 2007 May 007-30, April 006-23, 005-16, 004-09, 003-02, March 002-26, 001-19