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Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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Gene Starwind 21122
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Post by Gene Starwind 21122 » Tue May 08, 2007 4:01 pm

Okay I'll take a look at this one now.

I'll be coming down to Anime Festival Orlando August 3rd through 5th and running an AMV Panel, and an AMV Critique Panel too. If you want we can discuss more then about your videos and you can show me some of your other works. Just be ready for what I'll probably go over is going to be a lot. If people give you a hard time about your video its because well there are a lot of videos like this out there already and they are tired of it. Tired of seeing videos in their eyes that are thrown together. However what makes you a little different is that you want to know about your video. You have to be open to peoples constructive criticism.
Last edited by Gene Starwind 21122 on Tue May 08, 2007 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
No matter what, stay calm, stay cool and live life to the fullest.
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Post by TheOneFreeman » Tue May 08, 2007 4:16 pm

I'm sorry, I added this in the opening post and it came out wrong, I gave a link to the wrong video, I just finished ACTUALLY uploading the right video and the link is changed, sorry to make you write all that out about the wrong video, but I assure you, my video is MUCH better than the one I linked to in the case of subtitles, etc. (It doesn't even have any subtitles in it)

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Post by Panky » Tue May 08, 2007 6:29 pm

(It doesn't even have any subtitles in it)
I can't see it now, and i can't until tomorrow min., but never use that like a "i removed the subs, yay!" because here it's the way of "you use downloaded footage to edit? Crop the subs at least". Just to let you know. Good luck.

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Post by TheOneFreeman » Tue May 08, 2007 6:52 pm

Except you're wrong because I don't use downloaded footage to edit it, I use DVD footage, I was just pointing out that the problem there doesn't exist, not acting like yay I got rid of the subtitles.

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Post by LocoJoe78 » Tue May 08, 2007 7:30 pm

Kariudo wrote:
TheOneFreeman wrote:
Cornwiggle wrote:
TheOneFreeman wrote:Please will someone tell me what they think of this, I worked very hard on it :(
I would, even if it is Naruto, because it sucks to not get any comments. But I can't HEAR anything from streaming, I wouldn't be able to say much.
What...are Naruto videos frowned upon here or something?
well, there are 12,592 naruto videos.
I'd feel pretty safe saying that 98% of them suck (which may be a bit too low...that would mean that there are about 200 "good" naruto amvs)

Naurto vids have to compete with an overwhelming ammount of massive fail.
Unless you do something revolutionary your video will most likely be cast into the mire.
I learned that the hard way. :(

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Post by Panky » Wed May 09, 2007 1:38 pm

Except you're wrong because I don't use downloaded footage to edit it, I use DVD footage, I was just pointing out that the problem there doesn't exist, not acting like yay I got rid of the subtitles.
I jugded you the bad way then, so i apologize. But in the way you said it I understood another thing.

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Post by Bauzi » Thu May 10, 2007 5:21 am

I´m bored... I try and give comment later.
You can find me on YT under "Bauzi514". Subscribe to never miss my AMV releases. :amv:

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Post by Bauzi » Thu May 10, 2007 10:00 am


and it is one of the 98%. It´s not outstanding.
At the intro I thouhgt: "This ok, maybe it could get entertaining, the editor trys to sync"
and waht happens then?

You go to a really pointless stuff until Sasuke & Naruto fight against the guy. It´s so randomn... and you didn´t really synced. You synced a bit, but there has to be much more to work together with the flow of the song.
And when the fight sarts: Sorry that´s nothing exciting and outstanding at all. The same thing a fewer gets to see in every other Naruto amv too.
Focus on editing, creating a feeling in the viewer, syncing... Just grow with your own editing experience.

Please good XviD compression at the next time. The site offers wonderful guides how to do it.
You can find me on YT under "Bauzi514". Subscribe to never miss my AMV releases. :amv:

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Post by TheOneFreeman » Thu May 10, 2007 2:49 pm

Sine when did the video not sync? (Yes i do understand that the overlapping scene with Zabuza/Kakashi-Naruto conversation may have not been the best choice). Also, I was kinda putting together the whole story about Naruto being shut out by everyone, but not giving up and how he kept going, so where did you get pointless?

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Post by Bauzi » Thu May 10, 2007 3:22 pm

You asked for it:

There it fits. As said. You sync the pauses of the song.

It seams that you just waited for the refrain to begin.
00:14 There should be the scene change at "say" Because you already synced the second one with the words
00:25 Why you´re syncing that little thing with such a disturbing scene? Make a normal hard cut to another scene or just let it be
00:30 A gradient map again for an effect, but why for? The effect doesn´t appear again in the amv.
00:40 If you can´t lip sync: Don´t do it.
00:~49 So much possibility for fast cuts and scene changes and there is nothing. YOu don´t reach the flow and the speed of the music.
00:55 The music stops... You still see Sasuke. like he found the holy grale or something.
01:00 What? Sync or sync not! But don´t sync only half of the riff!
01:15 What the... It´s a singel grey something. The overflow was a very bad idea. It just doesn´t work and the lip sync doesn´t work at all.
and than comes Kakashi? WHY FOR?
01:32 The only scene I liked in this amv
01:35 Again... this strange guy...
01:55 You try to sync the riffs, but than the motions of the two stop and the riffs go on. You forgot to sync the rest of them.
01:58 Don´t let him move his mouth
01:59 "thing" is wrong timed
02:06 Don´t do it if it doesn´t work
02:17 The music stops... the scenes go on in the normalway. No difference to the rest.
02:30 lip sync doesn´t make sense. You only did because you needed the scene. That´s all. You´re forced to it.
02:44 forced too again
03:01 ARGH again unnecessary lip sync that just disturbes
03:04 Don´t you hear the beats in the background? That should be synced and not the voice in my eyes with repeated scenes.
03:11 Music makes a short pause. Clip still goes on
03:20 Not timed with the beat
03:28 omg please not again such a short cut. For the viewer it is a too weak beat to sync
03:30 He should hit him with the "dada da da"

Oh I didn´t saw the credits! Bad... I just don´t like the style. The metalic thing doesn´t fit.

You don´t reach the speed or flow of the amv.
You can find me on YT under "Bauzi514". Subscribe to never miss my AMV releases. :amv:


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