Radical_Yue wrote:gote wrote:well set-up review, but like ileia said, you really ruined it by building up the video so much.
When did she say that?
Unless you meant the opposite of what you said?
Ileia wrote:Oh, no, it wasn't that you gushed on about the video, (that's perfectly fine!) it was the repetition of "an action video that doesn't suck" in your last Lip Flappers, on your twitter and then again here that gave me that impression. >_>
uhmm, i don't quite understand here....i meant he ruined his own credibility as an amv critic with......
Ileia wrote:the repitition of "an action video that doesn't suck" in your last Lip Flappers, on your twitter and then again here
gote wrote:by building up the video so much
maybe i should add "as opposed to other action videos" but even without that i don't see it being the opposite of what ileia said.
Radical_Yue wrote:
Openly stating that 90% of action videos suck isn't exactly professional :/ It's not incredibly journalistic or a good idea to insult a decent amount of your readers with a blanket statement made multiple times.
professionally composed, i wasn't talking about his professionalism as a critic of amvs. If you disagree with his opinion, that's on you, and i agree that maybe he shouldn't have (mistakenly) alienated a lot of us (with the matter of popular reception in mind), but it doesn't say anything about the way he set up the interview. I don't even mean his rhetoric or grammar or sentence structure (not that it was bad, i just don't feel knowledgeable enough to comment on it), i was mostly agreeing with diegao on the picture thing and stuff and the progression of ideas (so i guess maybe a little bit of the grammar side or whatever) and his opinions were clear, no matter disagreeable they are. aside from the
Ileia/gote wrote:overhyping the video and making it seem like "god's gift to this genre"
because imo, it dulled how excited i was about the video, and i wasn't as interested in reading about it now that i had this rude awakening that it was just an okay video, but at the same time i was more interested in reading it to find out why exactly he's so freakin' crazy about the video, and he did make me like it more, so yeah. good job code
and do whatever the hell you want to do. It was a good read made even better by your controversial opinion. This is where the disclaimer crap comes in i guess. He's not working for the org so he doesn't have to be impartial in the slightest. He can write whatever the hell he wants to write. There are extremely disagreeable people that write their cracked out opinions very well and entertaining to read and even get others to agree and support them! They also aren't afraid to alienate loads of people (see: richard dawkins) to get their point across. This is how code feels, he wrote it out and we're disagreeing with it which is great but he shouldn't be discouraged from writing an opinion for us to disagree with. The most valuable theses are the ones that a sane person would stand to disagree with. If nobody in their right mind would disagree with what you're writing, then what point is there in writing it? He would be getting the same circlejerk youtubesque comments that he's gotten in like all of his interviews (which aren't bad their since those are just friendly little get-to-know-you sessions). By disagreeing and arguing and discussing we should be aiming to convince him of our opinions, that's the way arguments go, but we shouldn't be trying to shut him up unless it's by way of him agreeing with us and nothing needing to be said (because if everyone agrees there's nothing to be said anymore). Even if it would help the lip flappers be more popular, they would also be more dull! Every lip flapper's a learning experience for you i guess, code, but don't take from this venture that you shouldn't voice your opinions, or aim to represent every single interest group for the sake of pleasing everyone. I do recommend exploring the interests of every group, but not succumbing to their beliefs or opinions.
within the review, he took great pains to ensure us that it wasn't the critic or the elitist in him saying this, it was his own personal opinion, tastes, and inclination towards the romance genre. It was the comments outside of this review where he indisputably messed up in my opinion, but that's it.