"old school" please define

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by Pwolf » Wed May 23, 2012 4:38 pm

I don't like the term but if I were ever to use it, I would use it to describe a video where the editor used older source material (thinking anime and audio sources from the late 90s and earlier) and kept the editing simplified.

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by Pwolf » Wed May 23, 2012 4:40 pm

None of the filtering the source bullshit also. If it's "old school" it has to look like it.

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed May 23, 2012 4:44 pm

A video you made in the snow uphill both ways.

In all honesty, I wouldn't use the term except in sarcastic jest, but I take it to mean a lot like what Oto said, a montage video with little to no special effect work. Something that looks like you didn't spend much time adding to it.
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Re: "old school" please define

Post by outlawed » Wed May 23, 2012 5:43 pm

Your vids were probably called old school because you weren't using trance/house (now dubstep) with heavy multi-source manipulation with After FX or other motion graphics programs. Focus on the spirit of the source anime itself instead of music or editing style (such as a fancy light show vid) may also result in said label.


The old school editor check I originally posted back in 2006.
To qualify for veteran status you must meet all of the following:

001) Pre-date this site in submitting to the conventions

002) Not give a fuck

003) Love to make AMVs but just too damn busy

004) Paid out the ass for import LDs or had to find someone with import footage

005) Used VCRS for pre-production & post-production

006) Know that AG-1980 was the bomb

007) Bought dub VHS just so you could get a small piece footage for that various video

008) Believed at one time that there were too many Ranma videos and that this problem would never go away

009) Desire to ban weird al songs from conventions

010) What's the password to hawaii?

011) You dowloaded from Mdenny

012) Ability to provide better tech support for a Pinnacle DC10 or DC30 than the Pinnacle support line.

013) You know that Eat it to Grave of the Fireflies was DQ'd for a reason superceding issues of what is considered wrong.

014) Feel it is your duty to tell someone if a video sucks.

015) Thought the Anime Music Video Creators' Webring was neato.

016) You knew that a convention would contain a Brad Demoss entry before the convention even existed.

017) You had to worry about Macrovision at some point.

018) Remember the Beautiful People to Apocalypse Zero (aka Kakugo no Susume before it was released in USA) incident at A-kon.

019) If you used windows you encoded a video with Indeo compression.

020) You remember Kevin Caldwell actually posted occasionally!

021) Believe the old trolling threads were great flamefests and these young whipper snappers and their "contest drama" can't hold a candle to them.

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by AMV_4000 » Wed May 23, 2012 6:03 pm

Rm file..

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by Rider4Z » Wed May 23, 2012 6:34 pm

Old School. Stuff that was made 10+ years ago. Old school videos had limited effect techniques, and ridiculous editing software. (we are so spoiled today). Calling anything new "old school" is like calling Avatar anime. It may be "old school" style to where it looks like it could have been made 15 years ago because of its simplicity, but it's not technically old school.

It's like t-shirts manufactured to look vintage.

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by JudgeHolden » Wed May 23, 2012 8:33 pm

I am old, and I went to school ... So, I am Old School.

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by ngsilver » Wed May 23, 2012 9:03 pm

Old School for me is videos that either were made back in the day when I was first getting into watching AMVs or videos that emulate the style and feel of those videos.

In a more finite sense, I generally refer to videos before the effects boom that started with videos like Euphoria and Tainted Donuts as old school and those made after as new school. This would of course mean that all of my own videos are technically defined as new school, however if I am trying to emulate the feeling of said early videos I would then define that video as an old school style video.

While the use or lack of effects doesn't exactly make a video old or new, it is the general push towards visual quality and effects that for me helped shape this classification of old and new.

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by seasons » Thu May 24, 2012 10:11 am

Typical response in 2012:

Well-established editor makes a simple video. "This is old school, I like it!"

New/unknown editor makes a simple video. "This was pretty boring. I probably won't watch this again."

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by seasons » Thu May 24, 2012 10:24 am

"Old school" is, to me, inextricably tied up with the age of the sources. I have a hard time understanding how anyone could make a video with, say, a dubstep song and something like Black Rock Shooter, regardless of editing style, and ever have it perceived by anyone as "old school." Whereas any AMV featuring anime from the very early 90s or beforehand is naturally going to lend itself to that perception, possibly to the point where it'll transcend whatever modern/new editing style it's used with. I know that's how I tend to see things and I think the same is true of many other viewers.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this but I think it's the general rule.


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