Exactly. That's why when Nekocon advertised the AMV Contest as PG-13 and then told me I couldn't have certain content, I pointed out the movie rating and TV Rating system. They agreed with me, and told me to put up warnings before the contest and next year we'll have signs out front of the contest warning parents of the content.Vlad G Pohnert wrote:It also depends on what part of the country too... For instance places like AWA you can get away with a lot more violence a lot more then say Seattle.
I also find that cons tend to be tighter about things then the ratings. For PG-13 you can get away with some swearing (even an instance of the F-Bomb) but at some cons even one instance of the F-Bmnb is prohibited. But then if you are viewing television, there is a lot more room for more violence, nudity and swearing in many cases as the audience is in their homes, but at a con where the people are there LIVE, I sure no con wants to get slapped with potential trouble and issues from say a parent with his children attending the contest.