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Post by azulmagia » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:10 pm

Zarxrax wrote:Animators are not the "artists" in the same sense that musicians are. In fact the animators don't really have any say in the artisticness of the anime at all. They are just handed work and told "draw this", and they perform there job repetitively and mundanely. Now I'm not trying to downplay their work, but they don't CREATE the anime, they just do the dirty work. The real credit goes to the person that wrote the storyline and designed the characters and such.
Ditto with mangakas, mutatis mutandis. In fact, artists like Raphael and Botticelli had a whole crew of assistants who did a great deal of the actual work, even down to the actual brushstrokes on occasion.

Of course, the auteur notion has its limitations...

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Post by someperson » Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:17 pm

Does this topic even belong in this side of the Forum? :?
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