What Anime, if any, is better than Naruto?

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Post by older_gohan » Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:11 pm

I'm wondering why someone told me my choices in what's better is wrong?

Glad to see that someone knows what I like and can correct me when I'm wrong about myself.

This is why this thread shoudl never have been put up in teh first place. I make one comment about what I think is better and then someone tells me I'm wrong.

Where does someone get off doing that? Are you so idiotic you think you can change someone's opinion? I've seen Naruto and many more animes and to tell you the truth I think the one's I named are far better. So do start telling me what I think is better. Be glad I'm actually being nice about this ~_~

So mystallion one word of advise: Shut up before you make yourself look like an ass again.

[Kalium: Flames have started. Topic locked.]


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