DirectDK wrote:And about the video-encoding quality, well... unfortunately, how I went about doing it is I had trouble working with the original DIVX files in Vegas, so I was told I should convert the files to a different format (uncompressed AVIs). .... Anyhow, so I exported only the segments of each episode that I wanted to use into MPEG2 and used those as my source files for the amv. In other words, there is no going back for me to make it higher quality. =/
Well, in that case your video doesn't look so bad for being losslessly compressed so many times.

Lagarith is a good codec for storing original clips, especially if you do some filtering beforehand. If even your MPEG2s have blocking, then there are ways of fixing that through Avisynth... but that might a bit complex unless you're comfortable with writing scripts. wrote:Now onto the risky part... changing the Count's mouth! John had to completely chop off the lower jaw and re-shape the mouth so the lower teeth could hang a little lower. The mouth wasn't too big to begin with, so it could only open up a reasonable amount before it would look odd. In the end, as you can see, it turned out natural and obscenely gross... PERFECT. =)
I'll say. The amount of work that went into that one figure is simply amazing.