Ok, I'm going to type this once. I really shouldn't, because at this point if you're still asking "WHAT DO I DO?" you don't deserve help. If you don't want to read information that's already been provided like the rest of us who actually figured out how to do these things on our own did, too damn bad.
I am using the OFFICIAL NORTH AMERICAN RELEASE (that is, the NTSC version), not an illegal copy or an import or anything like that, which I assume is the first problem for most people. Here is a picture of my copy and what your's should look like if you're doing this:
A) Put the disc into your DVD-ROM drive.
B) Open DVD Decrypter, go to Mode, ISO, and select "Read".
C) When that's finished, open up the file splitter, go to "Number of Pieces" and select "8". These pieces should end up being 500 MB each, and I know some versions of the program only let you split by sized pieces, so just choose 500 MB.
D) When that's done (assuming you still have room on your HD), open up the Nova Software Extractor, click the Select button next to "Files to Scan", and select the 8 iso pieces. CHECK "MPG" ONLY UNDER TYPES. Now hit "Start". You should get TWELEVE RESULTS, listed as 00 through 11. Check them all and hit the "Extract" button (has a blue diskette on it).
E) ????????
F) Profit.
I am using Nova Software Extractor version 2.4, DVD Decrypter Version, and The File Splitter version 1.31 if you were wondering. If you need any of them use Google.
Good day.